
You're just trolling, right?

Yes :-D

I...want him to move his hands.

I do remember people on my Facebook newsfeed who have no idea about anything whining that no one was getting rid of the Boston occupiers...and then rejoycing when the cops were finally allowed to go in and remove them all so, there was definitely some police action around Occupy Boston.

I would like to see more picture like the one on top. Yes, please.

Does that work with the iPad?

Have you played SM64 lately? It has aged...worse than the original I would argue. Still good...but aged. AGED.

You can add just the amount needed to your eShop account when purchasing something. It's the same as the PS3 Wallet.

I knew this was coming! First comment, too! Thank you for reconfirming my lack of faith in the intelligence of human beings.

I was just about to say the same thing. Nintendo is NOTORIOUSLY bad when they find some success, so I'm actually glad they've been knocked down a peg.

I believe you misunderstood...

Oh, I don't blame the developers...I blame the publishers. I also don't think anyone would/will promise no bugs, but selling a product with bugs and glitches is like selling someone a chair with three legs but not saying anything upfront. No game box ever mentions the crap that will go wrong in a game so, as far as

This article is BEGGING for people to come in here and have their period all over the comment section because it has to do with Apple.

They DO owe us what they promised, which is a fully-functional game with no bugs. The only time bugs and glitches should be acceptable is if they're advertised so the consumer knows about them BEFORE the purchase. Since that doesn't happen, the consumer should reasonably expect a game to function exactly as it

I love that you care enough to notice.

He's not a man, he's Pizza the Hut.

That second picture just saved me money on lunch, because I now have no appetite.

I realize it's a pipe dream...but I'll still hold out hope.

I love the "man up" comment, like owning one domesticated animal over another proves one's virility. Inferiority complex, much?

That's such a pain in the balls to do. It may have been easier if I had fewer than three cats, but I could never try it again.