
Fails...for a little bit...until the price decrease.

I'll be honest: I want it to fail for a little bit so the price drops quicker. I'm greedy, and totally fine with that.

Whaddaya buyin'?

Cry about it.

This reminded me of the time I got a Rock Tumbler when I was younger and we had to have it running for something like two weeks straight. It was awful and loud...but I had some really shiny rocks at the end!

I had heard that it got MUCH better with this beta...but time will tell.

Your lack of ability to use proper grammar is making my headache worse. Maybe, you know, you should go play your own games instead of, you know, interjecting into a conversation to be a, you know, smug whore.

Pushmo: I've seen the name on Kotaku and whatnot but I don't know what it is and, unfortunately, I don't care for whatever reason.

I'm ashamed to admit that I've purchased games I normally wouldn't because there's NOTHING on the fucking shop.

To give you something to cry about.

I've always heard that women are, in many ways, WORSE than men in public bathrooms. Having lived my entire life as a male, I have no idea how that could be possible...but apparently most women like to hover, and they all have bad aim.

This gets better every time you post it.

I would kind of love that.

Nah, you can take it with you. Thanks anyway.

I have a Mac at home but a Win 7 PC at work and I've recently switched to Safari on the PC to make use of the iCloud bookmark syncing feature's atrocious. I get that Apple probably doesn't care as much because it's a Windows program but damn, they should be ashamed about having their name on something so

I can get behind that.

I'd love to see that come to fruition. I'm sure some things would have to change...but I can deal with (some) change.

OUT! I hate people who take up all the free stuff (except for myself).

The one thing I miss about my DSi XL is having an Acekard...I felt dirty downloading games that I never owned, but I had nowhere else to go (at least for the older, non-DS stuff).

When will people understand that using the iPad charger to charge your iPhone is the best and fastest way humanity will ever be able to charge their iPhone? So many wasted hours and dollars on R&D...