
If Nintendo has managed to be consistent about anything these past few years, it has been having consistently useless, asinine updates to their digital stores. It's quite amazing to think that the App Store is getting an assload of new games daily (they may not all be great, but they're there), whilst Nintendo can't

I've always wanted a 2D remake of a 3D Zelda game or vice-versa. I have no idea why I'd want the same story played out in a different way instead of an entirely new game...but I'm just so damn curious to see how it would turn out.

Also, -apster died with Napster...I'm looking at you, aborted fetus that is Qwikster.

Where the Apple hating drama queen ohhhhh, nneeeeeeevveeeerrrrrmmmiiiiiii...

I don't think anyone gave a shite, to be honest.

I hope the next big 3D game is set after Spirit Tracks and has a look similar to Wind Waker. I'd be interested to see where they could go with that.

You know nothing. NOTHING.

I bought $2400 worth of stuff recently and, after I did my math wrong, I thought I could get a Vita and a game with the points. Not quite so, as luck would have it.

The question "how did she swallowed the pen" is fun, too.

I'm going a slightly different route.

Asians are sexist lol. See? I moved the lol.

I get what you're saying. It's not that it isn't sad to have people die...but it's not exactly the biggest surprise on earth when one of these things goes down. Didn't the loss of JFK Jr. teach us anything?

I What I don't want is a $120 memory card...ever.

I'll admit, as an AT&T person, I was slightly excited about the fact that most of T-Mobile's spectrum (is that even what I mean?) would become AT&T's and that my coverage would get better (in theory).

Haha, I love it. Maybe your idea was secretly genius!

And no way to turn on the TV or change the volume. Sounds exquisite.

Great, now I'm craving a fountain soda.

Oh good lord. That boss made me want to die in real life. I ended up simply stopping the game altogether not long after that and never going back. I do plan on it, though...someday...

Star Wolf is Fox-like and...a little dark.

The Star Fox equivelent of "Do a Barrel roll!" is "Do a Barrel roll!"