
Uhhh, how do I get a man?


There's a certain segment of the population that feels that it's their right to listen to their music on public transportation not through headphones, but through their iPod/phone speaker. Just one more reason that I dislike humans.

I agree both with the statement and with the graphic. I am currently playing through Spirit Tracks and Arkham City and, quite frankly, I'm happy that I have the ability to enjoy two very different games like that...because it seems as if that ability is lost on many.


They must have low standards...they let you comment here :)

I know! I was actually thinking of going caseless with my 4S because: I don't like the case I have, I have protectors on the screen and the back and I have AppleCare+ for any catastrophic emergencies.

Precisely. I want iTunes and the Apple digital store/device syncing app to be two different things. Ease some of the iTunes bloat and actually make some sense with regard to organization.

Slightly related-but-not-really: why do we still purchase TV Shows, movies, apps, and god knows what else from iTUNES? Odd name, no?

I love upgrading the app to app.

I know it's not unique, that's the problem. He's genuinely on the borderline of mentally challenged and yet he'll share the same degree as some poor schlub who actually worked and who has actual intelligence.

Playing in a game is the least of his did someone with such complete disdain for grammar/spelling even gain acceptance to a school that ISN'T the University of Phoenix?

I realized that after I posted it...I'm a failure :(

Volume level left on an odd number? My OCD gets a headache just thinking about it.

Hey, did you hear the one about the Apple employee who left the prototype TV in a bar?

Sony's shite isn't overpriced? You crazy, girl.

I want a 84" TV with a stock widget that I cannot disable.

I have nothing but love for Android, I would hate for there to be no competition. I was just being a snarky bitch about pointing out that, with regard to apps, iOS is a goldmine.

Uhhhh, check both App stores and then get back to me. iOS has a shit-ton more apps and while many of them blow...a good deal of them are great.