
Ahhhh, that would be why I haven't heard much about it. Thank you!

I realize I'm inviting a host of snide, nasty, "Google it yourself" comments from some of our more surly commenters but...

I've been playing through many, many Zelda games lately and I'm on Spirit Tracks after just completing Phantom Hourglass and I've been wishing that I had played them when I had my DSi XL...the 3DS' screens just aren't as big as I want them to be.

Apple TV isn't priced competitively? You crazy.

The iPad isn't priced competitively? You crazy.

I want that screen. Nowish.

Tim Cook is getting sprayed in the face, but it ain't with champagne....

This list never gets old (apparently)

U mad?

It's like holding a MiiDraw

Nas and Eminem? How, very strange.

I imagine that he hated that you outed the iPhone 4, but my guess is that he had some admiration, somewhere, for your balls to run with the story.

Sure, but why would it want to go slumming?

These will never, ever get old.

I actually love it. I don't need my phone to be charged completely while I play music while driving, even if it just maintains the battery I'm it doesn't take up my car lighter which is currently in use by my hideous aftermarket Sirius radio.

Uhhh, don't buy them?

AT&T thought they were funny today. I logged in to their site to see if my upgrade date changed and they ambushed me with a screen that said I *may* be eligible for a phone upgrade so I clicked through and...nope, no change. Not really sure why they had the screen come up, other than to taunt me.


Everyone else: whining that it's not a game system because there are no buttons.

And, of course, I had a typo in there. PERFECT :-D