@Michael Scrip: Verizon turned me into a newt!
@Michael Scrip: Verizon turned me into a newt!
Ugly hands are ugly.
@sethcollie: People don't realize that this type of stuff is practically routine.
@lucasway89: Nope, the frog guy from Super Mario Bros 2
@lucasway89: Oh, you're one of THOSE...
@ITLawMan: I would have agreed with you if I didn't play the demo. It's fun!
@B3amMeUp: Do me a favor and Wikipedia "logic"
@ADDefense: You e never heard of a street date being broken?
Wow, that's not fun. It's not the customer's fault they got the game early.
@Squirrelbot3000: But really, is it that serious?
@martinf1: I miss Kathy :(
I have absolutely no idea what the big deal is with having a white phone.
@ARYXANDRE: Its like they waited to update so late because they were embarrassed with the update itself.
@umdraco: You wouldn't marry her now either?
@masuabie: I lawled big time at this. Well played.
@TylDurden: Too slow...
@TylDurden: High five!
@lucasway89: Exactly. Their days must have more than 24 hours in them to have time to do it but I simply cannot.