
I don't know much about this stuff so excuse my ignorance but...can I play this in OSX?

@zaxwashere: And then star me, post-haste!

@casmith07: Normally I would agree with you, but they've been VERY good with free updates so far.

@storm: Isn't it amazing how people are holding a funeral for Mac OSX based on a small preview of an upcoming new feature?

@icarus212001: She's a troll, I've finished replying to her.

@Tenno: HAHA, you're adorable.

@Tenno: Joke, Einstein.

@BeerManMike: I think they're called "coffee butthole squirts"

@Mark 2000: Dude, do you need one of my Xanax today or will you be able to get through?

@Mark 2000: And in my day, we had to walk uphill BOTH ways, in the SNOW to jam with our band!

@gabmed: You sound very...employed by Sony.

What's the fascination that straight males have with taking group photos, all with a serious face, looking to the side, with their hands on their chin?