
I would just be happy if the iPod app would remember that it's set to shuffle in this version.

@Outrider: I'm afraid to even say it...but apparently Sonic Colors is "good" too.

@MrNose - FOR THE CHICKEN!!!: I know what he means, but it's hard to explain. Take this for example: Sony shoved a blu-ray player in the PS3, thereby driving up the cost for the sake of its format winning the way. Do you think Nintendo would ever do something like that?

@RenRen: It's actually E Honda's Irish cousin. Distant relative of Piston Honda.

@yanipheonu: You may have misread the same story that I did: Nintendo announced Mario Party 2 is coming to the VC.

It creeps me out how emotionally invested some of you are in your choice of smartphone.

Explain to me this: why do Nintendo products still smell the EXACT same as they did when I was little?

@ntereycelogy: WiiRemote+ AND WiiMotion+ for added pluses!

@PunkyChipsAhoy: Nothing like a little racial humor/racism to start your Friday, eh?

You can use Parallels like I do but it's...not ideal.

@Weirdwolf: If you have any idea what I'm talking about, sure!

@Weirdwolf: At this point I can barely remember. I do recall that I had some boots on and that the water level had changed...and I just remember getting to a point where I couldn't figure out how to progress and then I eventually gave up...twice.

@Weirdwolf: I have (almost) played through twice and stopped at the same point both times: the FLUBBING WATER TEMPLE.

@EmeraldStorm: I just know that Nintendo can always be counted on for a good game and I do enjoy a good 2D platformer...especially a Ninty one.