@kitsuneconundrum: sweet beginnings of your momma so fat jokes.
@kitsuneconundrum: sweet beginnings of your momma so fat jokes.
@MrGrizzly: They actually only want you to have some COMBINATION of 4. The PS3 can't actually connect to 4 sets of both controllers (move/navigation) only 4 controllers overall.
@QLAB: You mean Frankenbalmer, right?
@anonpwny: There is no 64-bit iTunes, just a 64-bit installer.
@dambo29: What came first? The Steve Jobs, or the egg?
@Squalor: Thanks again, really appreciate it!
@Murderdolls: And yet although you think it's almost dead, you took the time to read the article AND post a condescending comment. Aren't you precious?
@Mariblanka: Greetings from the future! What kind of cars are people driving back in 1996? Its been so long I don't remember!
@Anomaly1: Someone who claims to spend 8 hours a day online has no place lecturing others about having no life. Also, in my original post, I was talking about your refusal to use social networking, not computers, Einstein. Senile already?
@Anomaly1: Odd that you don't want people to know what you do, but you're all over this post commenting and replying about how awful "Facefuck" is and sounding like a crotchety old man on his period.
@Anomaly1: Haha, I said nothing about you not knowing anything about computers so way to miss the point.
@riggssm: That's so funny, I'm from Boston and I had it REALLY early too.
@Anomaly1: Wow, you sound like an old person who refused to give up their radios for one of those newfangled tee-vees.
I would love it if they found some way to add these obnoxious menus to illegal torrents and would leave them off the DVD's and blu-rays that I actually paid for.
@Squalor: Yes please!
@Timnicebutdim: Hamburger is the demi-boss. Sobriety is the boss.
@iPolak: At least as constructive as your reply, love.
@talkingstove: I meant iPad version of the app.
@iroqDmullet: Here's another idea: not everything from the website, including uploading pictures, works on the iPad. Why don't you use the effin brain in that wonderful head of yours!!!
@Nighson: Cyrax isn't a lady, shit-for-brains.