
iPad version or gtfo.

Want. Now.

@hazelnut1112: Please tell me you're not into video game or comic book characters "that way".

Fuck me, I'm gonna miss those hot-ass suspenders.

@EBone: You STOLE my joke!

@coalheartly: Except he resorted to the word "retarded" which dumbs down the whole thing.

@Syntax Error: I love that picture so, apology accepted.

@Akio Morita: Mmmmmkay, just saying the joke isn't so fresh anymore. Good luck with all that geekrage :-)

@Akio Morita: Oh hunny, "you're holding it wrong" jokes are no longer creative.

@Syntax Error: Oh, I'll go with you...but I ain't no lady.

@Syntax Error: Uhhhhh, you take this stuff too seriously. Go for a walk and cool down :)

@Severin529: I dunno, I shouldn't care...but people like you are so strange to me. It's just a game, if you want a game that requires such a high level of "skill" go play a real sport. DO IT.

@lankysob: At least listen to the must more fun Nikki French version.

@Goldwings: It's gotten better...and worse. They've balanced things and added some stuff...but the latest update of either the game or the PS3 firmware (or both) is causing HUGE problems. Crashes...lagging...suckiness :(