
This is horrifying. The mother is also a victim here. The infant won't remember this, but she will have to cope with those memories for the rest of her life. Prosecuting her is beyond wrong. So is blasting her name everywhere. I can't even begin to imagine how awful she feels.

This is so sick and unholy. On so many levels. He did this to a black woman because he knew she would be powerless to stop him. He needs to be buried alive.

So right, maybe they would’ve been better off going into a church sitting through bible study, then gunning down nine people and getting a Whopper upon capture. You have no fucking clue what they were doing. The youngest was literally grabbed by the police who were looking to arrest anyone young, black and male. For

Well, Fairstein, if it’s all lies and falsehoods and untruths designed to smear you, that’s about as clear-cut a defamation lawsuit as I’ve ever seen. If it’s all lies and falsehoods and untruths, I’m sure you’ll be suing to clear your good name. Why wouldn’t you? If it’s all lies and falsehoods and untruths, why,

Dear Linda:

So.....they didn’t start teaching the “non lethal”seatbelt” maneuver until five years after whatshisbucket graduated. And since then the NYPD has chosen to not teach all the cops that graduated before 2011. Brilliant. That’s some top notch training and decision making. 

“Pro-life" only refers to white fetuses. 

That fetus was complicit in her crimes and warrants, and in fact, pulled a knife on the officer. The video won’t show it, but that doesn’t show what the officer saw. 

“this does not represent who I am in my heart”

Stuff You Missed in History Class just did a great interview with her. She's writing a second book getting hard numbers about how white women financially benefited from slave ownership.

Yes yes, it was a short while ago I was reading about white female slave owners in the islands - british islands. I suspect it was more common in the Caribbean than we’d like to think.

Came here to say this. Saw you had beaten me to it. 

Wasn’t too long ago their grandparents had those same smiling faces on viewing black bodies hanging from nooses.. Celebrating a symbol of white terror against black folk is nothing new - they are probably members of the 53-percenters still giddy over Trumps win.

I see two of them are sporting the “I want to speak to your manager” haircut. The overlap surprises me not.

This country needs to be torn down and started over.

Addendum to the alternate hypothesis: people aren’t willing to call each other out on bad food preparation, which is ultimately a shame.

Can’t be potato salad without eggs.

Of course, there are eggs. Why no eggs? I don’t trust it if there are no eggs.

Definitely yes