Dude.. i will still complain about drivers here but dear god I've truly seen terrifying after the j-bad highway vid..
Dude.. i will still complain about drivers here but dear god I've truly seen terrifying after the j-bad highway vid..
@Oracleofgomorrah: You!!! NEVER post again when I'm drinking stuff!!! I liked this keyboard too...
Comcast is clearly going for the 2011 golden poo award with a vengence.
wow the face is *not* good at all, doesn't even look like Kasumi.. And while I know Itagaki had a thing for huge boobs... those are actually *too* big for the character (even with the age set at 99)
interesting but I'll keep my incase clear. ^_^
@Davio: Truth!!! If I'm paying for the sun.. I want sun on demand!
Certainly an impressive technical feat, however I think I'll stick with a controller for various mario games.
LOL I have to question their app approval process, I mean... it was pretty clear about what the joke app said it was doing yet it still got the nod even for a short while.
gods I wish... a friend of mine has horses! we'd be rich!
ahh win7 phones have started showing up here... now that all the actors are on the stage let's get some good old fashion competition out there guys (and drive the prices down for consumers please)
@CandyBacon: My thoughts exactly...
She's pretty darn brave to try to step into Joss' shoes.... brave indeed. I question her intelligence down to the core but there's certainly no denying her bravery. Pity for her bravado alone is rarely enough.
Reminds me of the time in college when we found a pack of year+ old skittles. A guy in the dorm had one of the good slingshots with the arm-brace and we fired them down the stairwells (we were on the 9th floor). Those suckers exploded like bombs when they hit stuff.. LOL. We were terrible in college.
@yah5: yes I recall exactly what was said.. *however* you personally attacked *me* nobody else regardless of what they may or may not have said. While my opinion may be harsh I am entitled to it, just as you're entitled to yours.. what I *DO* take issue with however is being singled out and *THAT* is what makes it a…
interesting design.. in that light with the way the blue areas are laid out I can't tell if the mouse is rounded or squared off.. O_o.
@mussab: fair enough, though I do apologize for the mis-interpretation. I'll claim it as a reaction due to the blatant attack from Yah5 putting me on edge.
@Bryan Pope: @_@ I know right!
heh yeah.. I must admit if I'm in a hurry or I'm shooting video I'm not all that concerned with I run vertical, but when I think it's something pretty important the phone goes sideways.