I must admit.. at 2$ it's DARN tempting to get now... To get.. or wait for the Epic Citadel tech and then select one of them.
I must admit.. at 2$ it's DARN tempting to get now... To get.. or wait for the Epic Citadel tech and then select one of them.
@PeterLorre: wow.. hefty. I only have a 16gb iPhone4, me thinks Metal Gear Solid Touch is going to go the way of the dodo.
@OutlawDominus: personally I prefer WipEout, but I see your point.
To the scientific community, from all us FPS & action gamers, we give you a resounding "DUH"
@Joe: I want the link to that graphic so I can toss it out every time somebody tells me I should run Linux in stead of windows.
@Ding-Dang: LOL
I honestly think this is the most evil photography challenge I've seen since I started following them...
As soon as they stream something I want to see with Hulu+, I'll put it on my get list.
Think I'll wait for the game using the epic citadel tech then pick one of them. I was a bit disappointed by the on-rails news, especially after playing N.O.V.A. on my iphone which is a pretty decent shooter even with the wonkiness of touch-screen controls.
hmm my ZoE sense is tingling.
While I do still log into FFXIV a bit here and there.. it certainly hasn't grabbed me like... well... *any* other MMO I've subscribed to. I'm willing to wait for the changes though...
Racing games... Flight Sim's feel your pain.
@Witness1: perhaps.. but then again, just because they're influential doesn't mean people have to like them. Personally speaking I find this announcement quite meh. While I appreciate the influence my personal taste lies farther down the musical evolutionary chain.
@tariqi: Don't think there's iPhoto for windows is there?
no offense to Beatles fans but I was really hoping the announcement would be something useful.
yes they are, I was told when I went searching for it that Disney's going to re-release a special edition for Tron Legacy and what better way to ensure sales than to dry out the channel of the current DVD stock?
Decent management of non music files such as MP3's, pictures, videos... etc.
has it really been this long since I've done a system build??? Secondarily like others I too debate how well that's going to work once a few dust-bunny rugby teams get done playing in there.
@Crrash: I was thinking the same thing.. seriously uncanny valley there.