Reginald Atkins

@ex_nihilo: Rtype did rock.. enjoyed every minute of it.

@Julimano: Actually I do quite well at them, likely having finished shooters you've never heard of.. Ikaruga rocked because it was more than just "toss shots on the screen" it was the simple strategy of the light / dark mechanic that made it intense.. it would be nice to see more innovation but things have no real

whatever happened to the good old shooters that were more than just "let's toss so many shots on the screen survival is impossible". I'm honestly starting to believe Ikaruga was the last great shooter.

and I have one of those 5 million copies shipped. ^_^

I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.. that count?

Don't know who they got for that cosplay but... more. now.

@LucasReis: My Jasper has yet to kick the bucket but it's not like I use it every day either, my PS3 sees a lot more game time.

so... Christmas 2010 it is then?

great! get on with it.. get StarCraft II out to the masses already.. that way you can get to what *I'm* waiting for; Diablo 3.

sadly the ESRB write up is likely more interesting than the actual "game" if you want to call it that.

nope.. not going there. Hope those that do enjoy it though.

that's pretty neat... not really sickness inducing, trick is getting used to it though.

Never had an achievement addiction, and to this day fail to see why they generate such a buzz with people. They add precious little gameplay and are typically based on the concept of grinding an activity for hours on end, and bring nothing to the game after the fact. If it were possible to use achievement points to

not really a surprise.. despite what people claim the X360 *is* a capable system. I'll still get FF13 on my PS3, however, it's good to know the series will see a wider audience (and hopefully fund FF14 :D )

well the guy doing the fraud needs to get some jail time... the guys *buying* the accounts need to have those accounts banned.

Honestly I still don't believe the movie industry is capable of a good game to movie transition. They got lucky with silent hill mainly because SH is pretty well based on horror movies of the past, that wasn't exactly a stretch for them, but Warcraft, I just don't see anyone doing the franchise justice as a movie

I can see where they were going with their design inspiration, however, that's the type of design that goes as far as an auto-show then disappears forever. Personally I like it... I'd get one in a heartbeat, but chances are it won't actually see the light of day as a production model.

good... Metal Gear is a great franchise, I'd hate to see Hollowood utterly destroy it.

I'd certainly like to see a DOA game using the full power of the cell proc.