
That, I don't know. But the more I think about it, the more pissed off I get. It was completely, COMPLETELY out of character for Alfred. He might have verbally threatened her. He might have even gotten all up in her face doing it. He never would have struck her.

I'm not a reader of comic books, so I appreciate knowing this. Thanks. The comics of the 40s or the 70s are kind of what make up my impression of what comic books are - given my lack of experience with them firsthand - and I think the "tone" works great for GOTHAM, provided one doesn't take it too seriously. It's a

I thought that was pretty rough, yes. Though my husband pointed out that unlike most other people in GOTHAM taking a punch, Selina remained conscious.

I completely agree. I'm not looking for high art from Ryan Murphy, Lady Gaga or AHS. I'm looking for a fun way to pass an hour's time, and AHS usually delivers.

I can live without the kid playing Selina Kyle, for sure. But as a woman of a certain age, I love having Sean Pertwee around as eye candy.

Agreed. She gained some weight at some point during BB (post-"pregnancy" with Holly), but it wasn't a big deal and it didn't really change her appearance that much.

Right. And the unspoken clause: "Even a shitty movie like PORKY'S…"

You know what, I was going to accept the pool as "bathing," until he put the dead guy's pants and jacket back on.

That's what I think.

That's my take. I definitely don't believe they're out to save Griselda or Nick (but Nick is a primary character, so like it or not, his chances of living to wear Dead Old Guy Clothes and Not Shower another day are reasonably good, IMO.)


Junkie stepson. His actual son eschews old guy chic.

THIS!!! And take a shower. For the love of all that is undead, TAKE A SHOWER.

Got it (and I think this means I found you). Off to read!

I think I found you…is your review of the finale up, yet? (I'm asking not out of impatience, but as confirmation that I did find you.)

I think maybe pick up with Season 3 or 4 (if you skip 3, you miss Bobby Cannavale's entire arc). Ladin, however, doesn't come in till seasons 4-5. And he doesn't appear in a lot of episodes.

I've liked Ladin's work, here. But he's generally good in most things (albeit not terribly believable as J. Edgar Hoover in BOARDWALK EMPIRE). I liked him in THE KILLING.

I agree with you completely! Vikram needs to loosen up. Not everything has to be a teachable moment, in itself. Plenty of teachable moments come from sources like THE BRINK, because they often inspire people to look elsewhere for more information.

I gotta agree. Packers, I get what you're saying, but I really deplore your choice of adjectives.

Thanks! I'll do that.