Spanish swimmer Fernando Alvarez was in Budapest this past weekend for the Masters World Championships, and before…
Spanish swimmer Fernando Alvarez was in Budapest this past weekend for the Masters World Championships, and before…
I’m not a scientist. But I am a man with common sense. Am I giving you an order? Not at all. Call it a hunch.
Chance the Rapper - come on bro. You seem pretty smart. You need help applying for college? #StepYourGameUp
White lady: We don’t serve colored people here.
At some point, Satan decided it was terrible, what happened to all those nice tobacco industry fellas, and maybe if there was a really strong lobbying organization for all sort of evil people, things would turn out different next time.
So he founded ALEC.
From the white supremacist “rally” and terror attack in Charlottesville, Va., to the current president’s public…
That man is only 25 years old.
It’s been less than a week since the much-discussed Unite the Right white nationalist demonstration erupted in…
Oh I’m so over people blathering on about wanting outsiders in government. I’m finishing a degree in public administration, and it makes me crazy that wide swaths of Americans think it’s beneficial to have someone in office that knows absolutely nothing about the field or profession. It’s like saying ‘GE should really…
News like this makes Mike Pence so bereft he reaches across the space between the beds to Mother for comfort. No dirty stuff, as it’s not Saturday night between 9:15 and 9:22 or the handicapped bathroom stall at the Golden Corral.
Thank you Kirsten, this was poetically written and necessarily brutal. I am humbled by the excellent truth-telling being done by black womxn writers at The Root, and also by the fierce commenters who fight the good fight on the daily. Sending radical love your direction y’all.
Symbols of the Confederacy have been the subject of two very different events over the last few days. In…
In a press conference during which Donald Trump shed any pretense of being anything other than a white supremacist…
Free speech victims? Your argument might sound good for a debate team, but it’s not a winning one otherwise. Freedom of speech guarantees the Government (not a person) doesn’t interfere with anyone’s ability to express their opinions. There is no other ‘side.’
The rules that should protect everyone need to protect everyone. If you don’t feel like everyone should be protected then be prepared that someone won’t want to protect you.
I’m on OKCupid and Tinder and I have dated a few black women who were wayyyyy out of my league because of the racism on those sites. I mean, some of it is LA (I’m a decent looking dude who’s kind, considerate, polite, doesn’t send unsolicited dick pics, has a job, and his own place) but a lot of it is that I’m not out…
Florida: hold my beer.
Yeah, I think it’s less about range and more about increasing charging speeds. Definitely impressive to net 175+ miles in a half-hour, but 8-9 hour trips will forever be a slog until that’s cut in half, at least.
I hope I made it pretty clear that the car’s efficiency made up for the lack of speed to leave us with a net good car, because that’s how I feel.