
“The Boy’s Soul”

Yeah, but Willie McGinest is an anagram for “Gin Elicit Mewls” which is shockingly accurate recap of what happened to all my Super Bowl martinis.

I’d tell you what I’d be moving up from the store brand mustard.

“I first saw President Reagan as a foot, highly polished brown cordovan wagging merrily on a hassock. I spied it through the door. It was a beautiful foot, sleek. Such casual elegance and clean lines! But not a big foot, not formidable, maybe a little ...frail. I imagined cradling it in my arms, protecting it from

Parry was going to pay him, but he was in a rush because he really had to épée.  

Lavar Ball should realize he Kant always will things into existence.

easy milo.

as far as I’m concerned Shaq has a free pass based on this gif alone

“Legitimately Baffling Turns At Any Second” is such a great pull quote to describe her comedy, I may steal it for future use.

I don’t have anything super articulate to add here, just wanted to say that Bamford is the best and that everyone needs to watch Lady Dynamite on Netflix.

Sure the night nurse was impressed, but what of the butler, chef and groundskeepers?!

Freedom of Speech doesn’t protect you from another US Citizen saying “I don’t like the thing you are saying.” It protects you from the government locking you in jail cause you said that thing. The guy who tackled the flag waving racist went to jail and paid a fine. There was no government action against the flag

“The year before that they was wearing trash bags”

You can’t inject all that dexedrine into a 72 year old man’s pancake ass every morning and not expect it to affect his mind.

I’m not super sure that having a sec of labor who is in favor of immigration reform would actually be helpful anyway. Especially because he probably is in favor of it in conjunction with abolishing the minimum wage and increasing automation. I’m sure his wet dream is having 45% machines and 55% brown people who will

Or a coked up narcissist?

Forget tones, this is a damn symphony of racism.

‘Wigout at Douchebag Square Garden’

(The guy in the Donald Trump hat is named Daniel; the other guy wouldn’t give us his name.)