Author Nina Perez wrote, “Sis, darker skinned Black people wanting representation isn’t racism. Taking it to your mentions may be a bridge too far, but dismissing colorism and its negative effects isn’t cool either.
Author Nina Perez wrote, “Sis, darker skinned Black people wanting representation isn’t racism. Taking it to your mentions may be a bridge too far, but dismissing colorism and its negative effects isn’t cool either.
Man, I was so sad by how many people I had to tell about this shooting and how, to a person, each of them sorta responded meekly and without an ounce of genuine disgust. It’s terrifying how beaten down we all seem to be by the difficulties of reforming gun access and ownership in this country. If we can’t even get…
My favorite part of last night’s game was Reggie Miller engaging a totally batshit hypothetical “barbershop debate” (his words not mine) that has never ever happened - is LeBron the best SF of all time, namely is he better than Larry Bird?
Definitely. There are options, so many options, all of them better than squading up with Tyler goddamn Perry for $100 million!
I’m totally down with that plan. Hell, see if you can get Barry Jenkins’ next project (or even Steve McQueen, wouldn’t that be a delight?)
Here is the list of ISPs available in my area:
Haha I don’t know who this is for but I was really, really hoping that BET was done catering to the lowest common denominator.
BET also inked a major deal with entertainment mogul Tyler Perry, who will start providing 100 hours of annual programming to BET in 2019.
I don’t know ya’ll, I’m kinda feeling Paul on this one. I mean, I’m fucking sick of these welfare queens, taking up two parking spaces at Whole Foods in their brand new Land Rover, cracking the pavement with their Louboutins as they and their three kids hop out of the behemoth, each of their faces buried so deeply in…
Yeah, kids and adults alike. You see that Damon had to put in a notice asking grown-ass men and women not to make fun of a kid’s physical appearance, right? That’s ridiculous.
It’s a hypothetical scenario, boo, informed by the fact that his mother and his father are on the record as the ‘white culture needs preservation’ types and the fact that shit rolls downhill.
Lemme see if I can understand this one...
I know, I’m super impressed. Me and my fellow men have to do so much fucking better.
Kinda sad that my man even had to add a fucking disclaimer!
Why are we wasting time talking about this family rather than the family of Ashawnty Davis? I feel pity for Keaton — even if his “bullying” stems from his having been a little racist shit to his classmates, he’s a child; think of the hand he’s been dealt with that for a mother — but surely we can do more for a family…
As usual, black women go hard in the paint.
Haha, same here.
Since when do you have to apologize for flexing on a dude? Leave the holier than thou shit to baseball, please.
I can’t believe it’s not on Hulu, given this sort of old, somewhat forgotten TV show right on the cusp of being credibly called a cult-classic is right in their wheelhouse. (Which used to be Netflix’s wheelhouse too, but whatever...)