
'How do I feel about the idea of Russian collusion? HILARY CLINTON IS AN UGLY, GREEDY, TREACHEROUS CRIMINAL! How do I feel about actual Nazis? Hey, there's a lot of bad stuff going on on all sides! Let's not be too quick to judge anyone! ……………………………………………………………………………………… and sure, Nazis are bad.'

I've heard conflicting things about the ending, but it sounds like it's at least trying to earnestly reckon with you as a player and how you've played the game, AND give you a real choice at the end.

Why is the only substantive thing they changed the *music*!?!? I may be alone but my favorite thing about the Banjo games was the music that shifted instruments seamlessly from room to room.

The whole 'any reaction is a good reaction' thing works fine in the moment, but it's not healthy for the product. If every night Roman got a negative pop that was equal to a Stone Cold pop … that's just as good? Are 6 million people gonna be like 'Oh shit! I have to tune in every week so we can all DISLIKE that guy

I'm a fully trained lumber professional, so every once in a while I run up to a group of schoolchildren waving an axe so I can teach them about blade sharpening.

Thievery, bribery, statuitory rape, extortion, even *murder* are crimes that it's feasible to commit with good excuses/reasons. It's possible to do one of those and still be, maybe, a decent person. THIS, though, is inexcusably evil. There is no possible excuse. They are, without qualification, shitty human beings.

Yeah, you're right. And there's also all that music telling me that something brilliant is being said.

It's difficult to qualify a show as "brilliant" when most of the 'brilliance' of its 'brilliant' protagonist is just magically knowing every fact he needs to know.

The point was always that those two places represent terrible taste (they generally aren't even good *values* as fast food places), and that popularity veers towards terrible taste. The Mexican thing is incidental, I was just pointing out that if you want something resembling that genre of food there are better places

Uh, the point remains, "Mexican" or not. Taco Bell makes flaccid tortillas half-filled with shitty ingredients, and Chipotle sells itself as healthy, tastes like health food, and is actually the unhealthiest food in the world for you … which makes it the dumbest food you can possibly eat.

There's another common denominator, common to most polls: it represents white people with terrible taste. Go to a taco truck if you want some good Mexican food.

There were a handful of fantastic episodes, but this was a show that mostly got by by *seeming* important as a sci-fi show. It jumped the shark about 5 times. You can't just isolate the last half hour of the show (which, by the way, was the culmination of four seasons of *seemingly* very deliberately planned out

I'd forgotten that Baltar became president! … because, it was a dramatic show and they needed dramatic things to happen to characters. Can we just admit that about 80% of that show sucked?

What both sides need to get straight is that there is (or should be) a massive difference between believing something is real and believing that same thing is moral. Liberals get confused about this particular issue because they romanticize nature and conservatives get confused about this because liberals are the ones

It's really shocking, and not talked about enough, that a game that billed itself as an exploration game, in which you couldn't possibly explore all of its 18 quintillion planets … takes place in a reality in which every single one of those 18 quintillion planets has already been explored, named, and settled by some

I think it's more accurate to say that the WWE has outflanked themselves and the new Reigns branding is just desperate rationalization, because they don't have much else they can say or do at the moment.

…….. *exhales* ……. ok, even if we were to all agree that the bulk of FF8 does a wonderful job of representing the essential high school experience … doesn't the twist kind of call everything into question? Doesn't it indict the integrity of everything you've been feeling to know that the writers felt it necessary to,

I just thought of something, and this is pretty optimistic, but …

It all felt like being inside of Vince's brain as it passed the threshold into literal senility.

We don't have to argue, because we aren't really *opposed* to each other. I actually believe that Christianity has been the very best organizer of society in the history of mankind. But it's very possible to be successful and morally dissonant at the same time.