
Yeah, it's a shitty situation for everyone. I'm sorry you lost a lot of people. But I'm happy you got to keep some great ones and bring better ones into your life.

It's a pretty big consensus that any spin (which there's not much) from the cheater in this situation is not being given any credence. But yeah, it's

The disagreement in this post isn't really about logic, though. It's based on a difference in what is deemed important - and ultimately a differed perspective on moral responsibility.

A state implements a safety regulation for an industry based on the reasoning that employees in that industry are being put in

Well, I can't speak to the tumblr pictures you're referencing, because I haven't seen any of them. But I will agree that the fervor of the discussion is getting heightened enough that there are a few ridiculous notions being thrown around independent of position.

But when you strip away the outliers (both those saying

I think you make a fair, politely stated point about people having anatomical differences that affect comfort. I believe there are real comfort issues involved. Public transit itself is not usually that comfortable for any of us.

This whole thing has gotten a little ridiculous, but ultimately the point is that if you

Thank you for your kind response and good advice! I have let her know, but it honestly doesn't feel like enough. Hearing what your friend's support meant even with the knowledge of distance makes me hopeful for my friendship with my wronged friend. She's wonderful and hasn't ever tried to put me in a position to

I'm kind of dealing with this from the outside right now. Two friends broke up when the guy cheated on the girl. The guy is my roommate and was a closer friend to me. But she is awesome and is clearly the person in the right.

I've condemned his actions to him, and he's acknowledged and apologized for how unforgivable

I understood that you worked in a museum. But the conversation was originally about bringing children to a shelter "just to look." I assumed your personal example was more to further your larger point of it being wrong to bring a child anywhere they don't have to be "just to look."

And I agreed and continue to agree

victrin covered why they were at the shelter wonderfully.

But I just wanted to address the question of why take a kid to a retail place where they can't buy anything. I, too, worked retail, so I just want to start with I totally feel your pain and anger. And you're right, the parents who have kids that regularly have

Well, animals are a lot like people, Mrs. Simpson. Some of them act badly because they've had a hard life or have been mistreated. But, like people, some of them are just jerks.

If you haven't already read it, I highly recommend Assassination Vacation. It's by Sarah Vowell ( This American Life contributor, the voice of Violet from The Incredible, and all around kickass person). She covers the Lincoln, Garfield, and McKinley assassinations. It's an amazing book!

I do truly see what you're saying, but overall I strongly disagree. Semantically, however, I do agree with you that it's not always "changing the subject" per say. But it is diverting the topic thereby muddling a much needed discussion.

I do truly see what you're saying, but overall I strongly disagree. Semantically, however, I do agree with you that it's not always "changing the subject" per say. But it is diverting the topic thereby muddling a much needed discussion.

Teen pregnancy is a huge stretch. The connect the dots reasoning needed to explain

Interesting that you use the term "faith." I've always thought there were strong comparisons between Santa and religious figures (Jesus especially). A sense of wonderment and joy from believers accompanied by a fear of judgement. A need from believers to seek the figure out in order to detail their desires and explain

When I was 7, my dad and I went to visit some relatives I didn't really know for Christmas. It was my first Christmas not with my mom and not just my immediate family. Traditionally, we never had a ton of gifts, but there were always at least one or two toys or movies to enjoy after the unwrapping.

That Christmas I


Well that's great news! But sadly it also means that there are definitely at least two awful people in the world, because this was about a decade ago - give or take a year, and his name was Eric.

Part of me is curious if it's the same guy, mostly because I hate to believe that there's more than one person in the world who would behave like that. But sadly, I know there are. Also, I can't imagine anyone actually dating the guy I knew (except that really hot model of course).

I think there's a lot of room for criticism, and I honestly do think they are getting screwed by their representation. It just feels like most people were so into this whole meme until it became cool to ride the backlash train. When you meet someone and get a positive perspective, it becomes harder to hear criticism

I knew a guy in college that latched on to my friend group. Immediately upon meeting him through my then boyfriend, he told me several stories in succession about how rich and cool he was. He told me how his family had a wing of their enormous house that was just an art gallery for their crazy expensive art. He went

Emily Nussbaum is spot on. I'm not against a level of privacy in a writers' room. I think that for the most part the freedom to say messed up shit without fear is really good for the writing process. However, as Nussbaum pointed out, Alena Smith didn't share anyone else's thoughts or words. She just said she disagreed