
The story with "Tard" is that her daughter named the cat. I don't think it's implausible that a 6/7 year old would spell "Tartar" as "Tardar." However, I obviously have no insight into the truth behind that story at all. And even if it is true, as an adult it doesn't seem like asking too much to realize how people

She just quit her job last year - way after Grumpy Cat was already making appearances.

I've hung out with them. They're friends of friends for me too. Obviously, hanging out one time does not make me an expert by any means, but they were really nice. They're a bit backwoodsy. I feel like a jerk saying that, because it comes with so much connotation. But I feel it's important to mention, because I think

I don't really say no (and by no I mean "oh this is my last one" when it's not) very often, but it's usually after I've been hit up by at least three people in a span of an hour or so (which has surprisingly happened more than once). Or if you ask me in a weird place (ie I'm in my car and you are not - also has

One time I was in my car at a stoplight smoking (ugh I'm the worst). And a guy crossing the street came up to my window and asked for the rest of my cigarette - not to bum one, but for the one I was currently smoking! I was just so freaked out by the brazen lack of boundaries, I gave it to him, so I could roll up my


There are very obvious reasons why this is a good idea. The biggest of course being that it's offensive/racist, and I personally like when people stand together and refuse to accept that.

However I feel a little conflicted about this. Not Pippi Longstocking, specifically, because that was never a thing for me. And

I was being a smartass. But yes it is easier to avoid unplanned pregnancy, but that's not the only way a person can become a single parent of 2 kids. You can have a job, get married, plan a family, and have 2 children. Then because your spouse deserted the family and you got laid off in the same week, now you're

Yes, I too hope to be wise one day, so I can predict and control all potential life scenarios. Wait... I didn't mean "wise." I meant a psychic wizard.

You're right. And in addition to the caveat you mentioned, there are endless more - for instance a lot of programs have finite time frames or caps on how much or how long you're able to receive.

And then there's the social stigma. I mean the congressman, himself, pointed out how grocery cashiers feel about food

It's $35,000 after taxes as a single parent of two kids. Also, that's only if you get every penny available. You definitely don't get every penny available without trying (and it's still unlikely). But even if those details didn't exist, isn't the biggest disincentive still the growing divide between the minimum wage

I love that he polled people who totally thought that the food stamps crowd were all just lazy people eating caviar and lobster, and he's used that as evidence.

How did we get so many people to buy into this idea that welfare is like winning the lottery?! Anyone who has never been on any form of welfare should count

Haha, whoa, this post is angry in all kinds of directions.

The thing is that accusers are always questioned... aggressively. It's only recently that there has been a push to be more sympathetic to rape accusations and less sympathetic towards skepticism. But even now, any time a rape gets discussed, there's often at least one person in the discussion who questions the

This is truly a difficult position to be in for Spelman.

The Hillary comment is inane and honestly confusing. Is she comparing herself to Hillary in this situation or is she saying Bill Cosby will come through the "rigmarole" as Hillary did? Either way, it's a ridiculous comparison.

And on a related yet separate note, I

This is the best, weirdest pet story. I love it!

Old Man Yells at Cloud!

This is very true. I think a lot of people who have done harm can forget this. If you break a vase and genuinely apologize, it demonstrates that you're remorseful. It sometimes shows that your intentions and your actions did not align or that your intentions have shifted and you regret what they once were. It does

You make a good point about the need to actively participate, but I think your implication that social contracts have not grown to accommodate mainly because people stopped voting and giving a shit is an oversimplification. I think there are still a lot of people who care as much now if not more. And with new tools

I completely agree. That was actually the intended point of what I wrote: Nothing is black and white, but I think a discussion is good. And while I believe that speculating about a person (who is not accused of illegal activity) is dangerous, I still can't help but feel that allowing that to open the previously