Why? Nevermind, I don’t care.
Okay. I’ve watched this GIF of that guy getting kicked in the face WAYYYYY too many times.
We have a winner. No other applicants will be considered at this time. Thanks for coming out.
Why didn’t anyone else knock this “bro” out!?!?! As a society, we have to decide to deal with punks like this. Come on people.
I finally figured it out. Roger Goodell looks like Donald Trump and Steven Seagal had a baby.
Alternate article title: “Anyone Sure Seems Happy To Be Out Of Cleveland”
73 or 74? Yeah, but what about the back 9?
The drink would have taken less time than this text string.
Conspiracy Theory: The team consists of a whole bunch of liberals. Because of Putin helping Trump, the refused to go to Russia. This was a protest loss.
Conspiracy Theory: The players are all liberals and don’t want to go to Russia because of Russia’s support from Trump. This was a protest loss.
“When Noah Mets Alex”, coming to a theater near you
His teammates add an “ah” to his name. Messi-ah
Near the end of a 2 -2 game no less. Sucks for him.
Did anyone else see the main article picture and automatically think the title would be “Jason Whitlock found dead at home. Likely cardiac arrest”? Not being mean but I seriously thought that. A la Ralphie May.
Well it is Miami.
We’ll it is Miami.
When you’ve literally done everything else. Money really can make you crazy.
The AR-12 will be the first weapon ever banned in Texas.