
Nice pic choice.

They also relinquish all rights to sue one another. So you can say awful and untrue things about one another with no repercussions.

Surprised more teams don’t crack down on this the way the Cubs did.

No it was that bad, she tried to sex up/lounge sing the National Anthem.

See Wisconsin.

That was Holiday Inn lounge singer bad.

R Kelly is garbage and a pedophile.

There is precedence for this, Cubs World Series run...underwear was borrowed.

Yes, aware.

She is trying frame herself as the good girl. Not buying it, she let Kim take all the blame on the third movie not happening.

A family member of his long time agent was killed.

Jennifer Garner is trying hard to sell us the aw shucks cute act.

You need a willing Congress and President.

Release the pics of the dead bodies, many in this country need to see pictures to believe and act.

I am team Kim on this one, Parker has portrayed her as the villain in the SATC movie 3. Then Kim loses her brother and Parker has to play consoling, caring friend on social media.

Disagree, he should stand because the North and South athletes walking together is a symbol of peace, however, that it is something Pence’s administration seemingly does want because it far more enjoys drumming up the war talk (to appease the tiny penis Trump).

Now playing

Encourage you all to check out Jeanne Ives running in Illinois and her political ad. The Republicans really are scraping the bottom of the barrel for these candidates:

Michigan is #22 in Rivals rankings right now, Ohio State is #2. Michigan can find a far cheaper coach to accomplish the same thing.

No the mob is still very much a good theory, well a combo of the mob and the CIA.

Budweiser is offering free beer at the parade, what could go wrong?