Joanne Smythe

Chris Christie as Gimli Son of Glóin, a dwarf of the Lonely Mountain. Hot-headed, stocky, wholly irrelevant; this is honestly the most obviousthing that has ever happened in the history of comparing presidential candidates to Lord of the Rings characters.

Oh, man, what a shame; I’ve always liked her approach to her work, and her attitude. I’ll be curious to see what impact her departure has on the magazine.

He was SO memorable in this role. I loved his quiet strength and the enduring love he projected despite (or maybe because) of his restrained portrayal of the character.

I turned this on as soon as my kids left for school this morning. I’ve never cried so much during this movie before.

This was the first role I ever saw him in. When I read the book later I thought the Brandon character didn’t come off half as well as in the movie, even though the dialogue is almost exactly faithful. I think that’s a testament to the director but also to Rickman; making a relationship with that kind of age gap

WAAAY sexier than that boring stiff Willowby.

If that’s a prison then they also kidnapped two children and imprisoned them too. That’s the part that I find disgusting.

I don’t care too much about the adults in this case other than thinking that they would probably benefit more from therapy than prison, but the kids? THAT’s what should have justified action from the police.

Exactly what I was thinking - imagine the massive public savings if we could convince more convicts to self-incarcerate on their own dime.

I guess house arrest for 15 years is appropriate punishment for biting a cop. I hope those kids are ok though, something tells me that they’re not:(

This is literally the only comment this article needs.

I honest to god thought I was looking at a shot of him lying down in a whimsical rendition of a coffin.


Because they look like women, as opposed to little skeletal girls. Gorgeous, glamorous, iconic, chic, old hollywood, women -as was the trend at the time.

As an ensemble, this looks fine - nude & black very chic blah blah. But individually each dress is a hot mess

Whenever I check in with the gun-toting nuts on my Facebook feed, their posts are all centered around the idea that gun owners are extremely responsible and competent individuals. After all, they know the technical difference between a rifle and and assault rifle, so only their opinions are valid, right? They know how

“Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.”
― George Carlin

Because we live in a regressive time, that’s why.