Man I would have to be on all the pills, and also on 24-hour suicide watch.
Man I would have to be on all the pills, and also on 24-hour suicide watch.
I haven’t seen this one, but the favorite comment I saw on Facebook included this line:
People forget that he still is a Jesuit and was versed in Latin American liberation theology, the thing that JP2 killed because “COMMIEZ!”
So God is now officially easier to please than Grandma
The director of portable toilet company Andyloos remarked that this was not a particularly rare occurrence. “It does happen quite a bit to be honest—I’ve done it a few times.”
I’ve had an incredibly shitty day at work and this is exactly what I needed.
The best defense is a good offense. Favorite salads, go!!!
My uncle in law is on wife number five (about to be six) and says the same shit about “sanctity of marriage” and why gay people therefore shouldn’t be married. Besides wife number one, all the others were women he was cheating with while married.
She needs an asylum for her crazy.
“asylum” for her “conscience” lol
I still don’t understand how someone who has been married four times can say with a straight face that it undermines her religious beliefs to allow gay people to marry.
Not to mention having a close relationship with a teacher gives him a reason to hang around schools... :/
“He said, ‘Don’t worry, he has met someone. She is a teacher and he seems to love her very much, and we think she will help keep him grounded,’” Mills recalls.