Joanne Smythe

Wee wee? Seven year olds shouldn’t be having sex, do you need to talk to an adult?

Thank goodness you were here to discuss your boner.

Look at this picture. I mean, come on. What a beautiful family.

Same, but I’m going to predict that the judgment is going to be SHAAAAADE. Here’s why:

OMG! I had a friend who worked for the park service. She said she was talking about how glaciers were formed millions of years ago and some dude got all “well, if you BELIEVE in millions of years”! Like the entire concept of “a million years” was 100% foreign to this dummy’s brain. We had a good chuckle over that one.

I had an internship at a zoo in undergrad, and there was a note left about me one time. I explained that horseshoe crabs were an ancient species and you could see their relatives, the trilobites, in fossils from the Cambrian period. The dad got all huffy and asked how I knew it was “millions of years”, and I responded

Okay, maybe I’m just an overly rational voice of common sense here, BUT...

You love it. Don’t worry...we all do.

“and the dog was afraid to enter the ballroom” This is an issue I have with my ballroom ALL THE TIME :/

China has people. But the people don't have guns.

If talk of teachers being armed didn’t break your spirit I don’t know what will.

I think we should watch it so we will be upset.

I can’t imagine what the poor woman they cut to was scary.

I don’t want to live in a world where people think that NEWS REPORTERS should be armed.

I watched it and I seriously regret it. I’m choosing to remember her as the photo on the bottom like the tweet is telling me to.

I watched the video prior to hearing that Allison and Adam had died. I can’t stop thinking about how horrified I am to have seen that woman’s final moments, and even more horrified that literally nothing will be done to stop future gun violence.

Just saw this pop up on my iPhone. It’s terrifying and horrific and tragic. The Facebook posting of the video already has many comments along the lines of “Well, if they had been armed they could’ve fired back and shot the asshole.” I’m so sick of these shootings happening day in and day out and all we can do is

Let’s not talk about the killer’s motive here. MOTIVE DOES NOT MATTER.

“Our motives were not to insult or look down on anyone, not to be sexist,”

Oh honey, no. We just think they’re dumb and we’re going to have a great, great Tuesday morning making jokes. Thanks for clickin’!