Joanne Smythe

Well, I read WaPo, NYTimes and Telegraph(UK) reviews, and read them all as "movie not as terrible as book" but not good either. It's all in how low you set the bar. Personally, think if it spawns more chick flicks and fewer action retreads, it's all good.

Yeah and how about kickstarter campaign to FUND it with best legal counsel available???

How can someone who beat the shit out of this woman and slit her throat in the presence of their children, and left all of them covered in blood EVER EVER CONCEIVABLY PROVE HE IS REHABILITATED??? Would the judge want that visitation happening at his house? I think not! So how can they foist it on this woman and the


Well, yes she does. That deer in headlights look on her face comes from somewhere, amirite?

Niki Minaj is like "I paid for this first class airplane seat and I have WHAT next to me? A screaming child? WTF???

I find it so hard to see why this is such a big deal...women have periods - uh, period. Get it over it guys and gals. Deal with it however you like, and depending on how your body deals with it - amount of flow varies by woman and day of the cycle. It's not like a red Niagara falls is going on down there for a

no wonder your soul is grinning ;-)

Ok, Jonathon, I'll say it, "she's really good, you should read her" There, does that help? Probably not, because you just want to mansplain a writer of "chick lit" which you feel it's fine to to look down upon, without bothering to read her books. I haven't bothered to read yours, but here is my review of them.

Yeah, as big a question as "why the fuck does she like Christian?" is "why the fuck is this stupid rude chick Kate her best friend, and then she is giving good guy Jose cold shoulder ???" Girl has poor judgement about people all around. But, then that's the point of the book I guess...

Yeah, and how thrilled is the studio with that??? Because everyone was sure it would be no stars — so hey they got them a winner! Nothing like the magic of exceedingly low expectations ;-)

Yeah, because like this asshole wouldn't have been able to make a penny of his ill got 1%er gains by skimming the cream off the markets WITHOUT THE GOVERNMENT FUNDED INTERNET, which among the many blessing it conferred, also made it possible to do high speed trading. So, no government, no internet for you, mr.

Remember the old "show your work" instructions? And partial credit? This is very subjective - a place where bias can easily creep in! Also, what is scary about this, is what about high school and college???? Where more and more depends on subjective evaluations of the approach, how far you got with a problem, vs.

I only wish that they could have put in little cartoon pop-ups of the ahem "inner goddess" shaking her pom poms... would have been the icing on the cake - or possibly the tiramisu

well, that's because the studio execs KNEW going in that they were going to desperately need someone to blame it on later ;-)

Hey Brit teens very lucky that they have a great excuse NOT to see a movie that has been universally panned in advance for non-existent chemistry between leads, dialog and characterization true to the level of the absurd book, and sex scenes that are both unsexy and silly. What a relief not to have to come up with

I suggest that they call it a church. All God's children getting naked like in the Garden of Eden. No problem!

I'm think the Borg. He has been assimilated and just can't understand why "the gays" and everyone else who doesn't want to swim with God in Grits, can't get with it and assimilate too

Hurray for this brave woman standing up against the sleazy hypocrisy of the righty pols!

Yeah five years behind the mast on the woman hating ship SS Fox News! whatever, she opened her mouth and said something true for a change!