This is an awesome swear. But I think you could make one tiny little improvement by making it the "orc-skinned" GOP.
This is an awesome swear. But I think you could make one tiny little improvement by making it the "orc-skinned" GOP.
I am getting bumper stickers printed right now!!! Who wants one? Think this would look great next to one of those "no whatever" bumperstickers with Tea Party inside the red circle/slash
Fair enough, and thank you for the reality/privilege check. I guess I do think, and was kind of trying to say, somewhat inarticulately, that men in all cultures and over much or all of human history actually fear women, and this is why they keep them down. Since men can't admit to this fear, they express it in a lot…
I love Emma Watson for transcending Harry Potter, and being a model for using your fame well. But, you can tell how young she is when she says our potential is "astonishingly untapped." It's not "astonishing." It's cuz men know that women are just as smart as they are, and far more able to get things done. So,…
LOL!!! this is the perfect Jezebel reply. It should be cast in bronze
Yeah, "she started from the bottom" alright. That would be Kim, Kourtney and Khloe's bottoms...
You mean "twat" ?
uh, don't you mean "disingenuous" or possibly ingenious (but that sounds like praise) or better yet, "dishonest" which means about the same thing as "disingenous" :- )
Or he could have stopped right here "I've never thought."
Rep. Slaughter - my heroine for the day!
I refer you to Erica Jong who beat this sad dead horse to the tampon removal scene well over 30 years ago! let's give credit where it's due!
Now saying a little prayer of gratitude to the universe that my gorgeous straight haired daughter is spending her time hanging out with real people and going to class instead of worrying about spanx, waxing, eyeshadow, etc.
Yeah, what is with that wave hate? Didn't anybody have a look at all the starz wearing marcel wave hair at the Golden Globes???
This is SOOO NOT OK! But, the best thing about the article, is that I feel better after reading the Mallory Ortberg takedown!
Or it could just be that after they read the book and the script, and said "holy crap, how did I get involved with this huge, steaming POS crossed with a train wreck" and just decided to sort of you know, blame each other. Transference!
exxcellent use of major side eye! plus, makes me want a drink too...
wow, $3B of our tax dollars every year at work. I feel so proud that we are protecting the War on Women!
I absolutely thought the same thing - how low can you go to charge $1/bead - like is that some kind of spiritual dollar thing, or just what??? I don't get it at all? And then women buy them, and think, because I stayed at the 4 Seasons Bali it must be appropriate? How about running down to the local 10000 villages ,…
This is why they call him Il Papa ;-)
I have one name for you "Mallory Ortberg" at Have a look at her captions for Bougereau and others....…