Common Yankee fans...
Common Yankee fans...
I would’ve wagered $21,400 that this guy would irritate the hell out of me.
It never gets old....
10 year sentence: you’re forced to watch every minute of every Rutgers football game.
Top NASCAR drivers should be paid at least as much as Steph Curry.
Top NASCAR drivers should be paid at least as much as Steph Curry.
I’ve been going to Indians game for 40 years. I am ‘every’ Cleveland fan.
Kelce always appears to be such a dick.
Not that l don’t believe you... but video confirmation might help others believe your story.
“Long After Dark”
I recognize this trifecta. Most fucking boring YOUPORN threesome I’ve ever clicked...
Point of Clarification: I believe that Mr McRae hired the group to fly banners over the stadium. I don’t believe he’s an owner of any business entity involved in this story.
This is fantastic. Well done NEDD! I’m stealing this argument. I’m so smart now!
But when they bring their political statements onto the field of play or refuse an invitation to the White House, it destroys many fans’ connections to sports.
Damn this is a quality piece. Well done Amy.
I like Peter King.