Definately Crota
Definately Crota
Weirdest glitch I’ve had yet was when I accepted the fishing trip at vesperpool for the Leige of the Lake. I caught the noble arapaima before but it just wasn’t spawning. That was my guess for the leige since it took me 10mins to reel in that bad boy. I left and when I exited the fishing spot, the quest was still…
I can see that, I already have the platinum trophy for ffxv and completed the hidden dungeon. It was a beautiful game but I wish I bought the normal edition and not the deluxe. Not worth $90 in my opinion.
There’s actually an easy way of obtaining that chest! If you run towards the chest, so as soon as you get buff and leave the cave, go straight so your character is facing the general direction of the chest. There will be a gap along the wall that you can use to run to the chest. Using a sword is advised so you can…