
I agree. I mean, it makes sense in hindsight if you know the episodes are out of order, but I'm not sure everyone got that memo.

"House Guest" wasn't my favourite either but Greg's "I just wanted to live with my son again" line just breaks my heart, I can forgive him of all transgressions.

I dunno, "Watermelon Steve" is worth it just to hear Amethyst sobbingly say "Those flowers are lovely"

It's not something we can punch!

Well, the joke was that the security guards were complete cowards and abandoned the mayor for the silliest threat. And it wasn't too clear in the episode but I interpreted Steven's move at the end to be less vindictive than that? More like a "don't you remember how much you wanted to support your dad" kind of way? But

Honestly, this at least explains Buck's earnestness at reaching out to Steven in "Joy Ride". I've seen a couple of people react with shock at his callousness this episode, but it's good to see that Buck and company become a lot less unfeeling when interacting with Steven. Steven is certainly "the much needed

It's definitely a mixture of YA series, but Hunger Games stood out the most to me.

But could it be better than Geordi, Picard and Data's Sherlock Holmes romp on the holodeck?

I mostly thought of the His Dark Materials series (what with the familiar) and the Hunger Games trilogy personally (female protagonists, anti-authoritarian theme) — also the fact that Katniss' own ending mirrored a lot of what Connie was complaining about.

Wait, Jon Snow had charisma at one point in this show?

There's a lot that happened in the episode, but ngl, any scene with Olenna Tyrell always takes the cake for me. She's got a perfect balance between cynicism, wit, sarcasm and not giving two fucks. Her reaction to Brienne was priceless!

Um, excuse you. Black Widow was the best part of The Avengers how dare you suggest otherwise.