
Yeah, the accusations are pretty hard to prove at this point(though if the FBI really investigated there might be some corroborating evidence), but it is fact that Kavanaugh is lying about a bunch of things like the definition of a “devil’s triangle” not to mention his sketchy gambling debt payments. So I have no

This. It is one thing to give someone a pass on stuff they did decades ago as a drunken high school or college student. And if Kavanaugh had owned up to drinking too much back then and not remembering these incidents but admitting they could have happened, we could have a discussion about allowing for change and

Yes, IMO the incidents Kavanaugh is accused of are really bad, but what equally pisses me off is his lies, his indignation.

This needs a lot more stars and seems to be the point that many are terrifyingly missing. Hey “nice” guys! Listen up! Wagging your dick in someone’s face is inappropriate. I know y’all keep asking cause you are afraid you might misstep in a post-me-too world. Ding ding. This is prime-time ain’t right. Don’t do it at

Sure it does. A guy isn’t going to do that because he thinks the woman will say “yay!” and commence to sucking. He’s going to do that because he knows it will make her uncomfortable. In this case, she’s saying that she felt Kavanaugh did this to flex his power over her - to say, “See, I can do this nasty, threatening

Probably you shouldn’t make sweeping statements about what people’s reactions to penises should be unless you’re a) a woman who has made the choice to wait until marriage to have sex and deserves not to encounter her first penis in a humiliating situation where she’s made fun of, or b) a woman who’s been molested,

Smearing the women who came forward was NOT 30 years ago. It was last year, and will likely also be in the next few days. You sound like a dumb troll.

As someone who has been paraded with a dick in front of her face in various occasions I am going to ask you to shut up.

A sex offense? Yes. Pushing your/someone’s uncovered genitals toward someone’s body when not wanted? Preeeeetty much the definition.

The Times has become like a senile elderly relative who used to be really smart. They just seem out of it the past few years. They get to some stories days after they appear in WaPo and the whole paper just seems stale and tired.

Come on, we were just having a little fun,” said every privileged white male through the ages.

Not only is the tweet offensive, it doesn’t even make sense. I know no normal people - men or women - who would think having a dick in their face against their will was “harmless fun.”

Here’s my essay: I also was friends/roommates with a magnetic pathological liar for several years. It was bad and shitty. When I was 23 I told her I was moving out and that she should get therapy because no one could trust a damn thing she said. Last I heard she had a kid and I felt sorry for it. The end.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. First he needs the opportunity to go to a good college where he can become a campus rapist. 

“He is clearly a candidate for not just college but probably for a good college,” Troiano reportedly said. According to the Times”

Uggggh. The judge’s words and attitude are atrocious and disgusting. We absolutely should take this crime seriously and whether or not he might get into a “good college” is completely irrelevant.

citation needed

Later in the letter, Sparks wrote: “Regarding diversity, I’ve now told you half a dozen times that our lack of diversity has NOTHING to do with the school or anyone at the school. It’s not because of what we as a school has or hasn’t done. It has nothing to do with racism or vestiges of Jim Crow. It comes down to 1)