
I’m just so sick of these guys whining about how “attractive” people get more positive attention. No shit. Welcome to the world. That’s shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone. What baffles me is their inability to see attractiveness as a package deal. Yeah, good looks are going to get you more swipes on Tinder or

Remember when dudes were getting all upset at Gillette’s Super Bowl ad because commercials shouldn’t tell men what to do?

“Incels also argue that women get similarly invasive procedures regularly and aren’t criticized.”

yeah, I’m really looking forward to these dipshits discovering, to their great dismay, that the problem wasn’t on the outside.

can’t surgically alter a personality or misogyny though. so, the problem for these dudes will remain.

He’s on r/theredpill right now ranting about how she cost him his job over nothing. 

I can see it.  “What?!  I’m fired?  I even said, ‘I hope this doesn’t offend you,’ so after that I should be allowed to say anything I want.”

“Move fast and break things” sounds great until you realize these companies see other people as things

i think it’s pretty cool that someone’s going to reinvent cable and call it an innovation

Orrr there should never have been a such a flippant, ill-defined referendum on something that the majority of the public had no clue about which directly contravened a peace treaty which had already been put to a referendum and had a definitive mandate.

i wonder if he’ll get accepted to jale.  

I follow a bunch of science AND gender writers/tweeters/researchers on Twitter so this is All Over My Feed last two days and there are loads of absolutely terrible takes but definitely my least favourite is Economics Bro being like “uhhh this can’t be true because pharma companies want to make money? so obvs they

I am so sorry. I’m sure that even if she didn’t know who you were, any moment of joy or relief came from you. How blessed all your children are to have you and to have had you.

My wife and I went through a very similar experience, but we are in Ohio. Went in for a routine check up at 20 weeks. The doctor came in and told us they suspected he had bilateral renal agenesis, meaning he didn’t develop kidneys and likely wouldn’t be able to develop lungs. Told us they have only ever had one case

Thank you for your story. I’m so sorry for what happened to you.

THIS. Like “Him”. I would, like almost all the women I know, appreciate it greatly if most men, unless they are coming from a position of support would just be quiet about anything that has to do with abortion, at any stage. Particularly this harrowing, numbing, world & life altering decision that is nobody’s business

As a parent, I can’t imagine how heart-wrenching this must have been. Thank you for being brave enough to share it. 

Thank GOD we don’t have socialized medicine in this country. Best healthcare in the world, baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had the most infuriating conversation with my mother last week regarding insurance. She votes Republican but only because she barely pays attention and thinks that they don’t do any of the bad things anyone says but will make her taxes lower. So already it’s annoying. Anyway, she calls me and tells me to call my

I can understand the struggle for some to understand how someone they know in one way could possibly behave in another way. Surely we’ve all been there in one way or another with our friends and family.