
The ethos is “Oppenheimer will bring clicks but we’re primarily a gaming culture site. What extremely strained metaphor can we use to farm some search engine optimization, since we probably shouldn't just publish a post that says "Oppenheimer" 500 times in a row?"

I had roommates until I was 30. Some people don’t like an empty nest, so I had several friends in my 20s go “Hey, I need a roommate and you need a place to live, let’s just room together and go in on rent to save money”

This really confused me for about forty seconds as I thought you were talking about the body-part “Elliot Page’s Asshole.” 

You’re dropping the ball, Sam. This could have been two slides!

I thought this would be a “face reveal” about the artist behind the Vtuber being revealed IRL, but it’s just...the animated hair is slightly not over their animated eyes for a moment?

Wait, so it’s not even the face reveal of the person PORTRAYING the VTuber, but the face of the avatar itself that was revealed? And people went apeshit for it and copied it on fucking TT. Which, by the way, thanks as always for the unskippable embedded TT video in the article.

Indiana Jones being a bit problematic is basically tradition.

Nah, fuck that. I do fatalities every time. I enjoy them and if you don’t want to see them then beat me. I’m not even that good so it should be easy and happens more often than not. 

Every movie has reshoots. That’s different than reshooting an entirely different ending.

Somehow I don’t think that’s going to be an issue for him. Maybe a story for the nephews.

Probably, but I just can’t get worked up that they didn’t pay human artists to imitate an AI. YMMV.

I agree that AI shouldn’t be used to emulate the styles of existing artists or to avoid paying human artists for designs, but I don’t see this use as problematic. They’re using an AI generator here because the characteristic fucked-up way that it tends to render human subjects is artistically appropriate to the themes

Anyway, I wish Azealia Banks could go five minutes without saying something truly vile because the girl’s got some bangers and was ahead of the curve with her more house music influenced tracks.

This is a lot of words to say that you don’t like the MCU and don’t trust them to do a good YA Spider-Man, even as they’ve been doing a great job with a YA Spider-Man for years. (And a much more YA take than the Sony live action Spider-Movies.)

They’re absolutely going to bring Miles to live action and definitely

She left acting because of misogyny. I’m not sure “professional gaming” was the best rebound idea ever.

Two things can be true: the writing on Wednesday was not good, and also even mediocre writers don’t deserve to be treated like temp workers.

It’s got nothing to do with that and everything to do with the former Gawker network becoming their parents.

I remember the early fan reviews for Antman 3 and Shazam 2 were great and it turns out those films were crummy. This is just marketing 

When people walk out of previews six weeks before a movie opens, they generally have two responses: glowing praise or absolute silence. It has zero bearing on the final critical or audience response to the movie. 

Seems perfectly reasonable to me: