
He actually *is* in touch with most Democratic voters. The left just doesn’t like who the Democratic base actually is.

Yeah, I wonder if Ana de Armas would agree that Johnson doesn’t know what the hell to do with actors of color.

I’ve grown a little uncomfortable with the conversation around The Last Jedi, which is a movie I genuinely like and defend, but which has sort of become a shibboleth used to determine if someone is a decent, mature, well-balanced person. I know that’s mostly the fault of the worst people in the world working

+1. I know TLJ online discourse is still broken but it’s... pretty bad to see those starred comments above telling Boyega why he’s just wrong about TLJ not being a good Finn movie. Yikes.

For everyone coming to Johnson’s defense, I’d say that just giving an arc or role to a POC isn’t enough if it’s not a good one. Mere presence is not enough.

The whataboutisms from some of the responses here have been...interesting. He’s giving his honest opinion on his experience (and he kind of always has), but in the rush to defend TLJ, there’s a lot of comments that border dangerously close to telling the black actor how he should feel.

Getting paid well doesn’t mean you then have to trade in all of your dignity and principles to your employer. Combining that kind of thinking into the American work ethic is probably why y'all are worked half to death and still treated with contempt by your bosses. 

It’s only tits and dragons.

eh, as much as i love tlj you could also look at finn and rose’s entire subplot as literally sending the only POCs out on an inconsequential side-mission. not saying that’s necessarily an entirely fair take, but it’s a take.

I’ve been reading the testimonials on the website, and was astonished that (1) there was a very unique and proven pattern to Ellis’s behavior and (2) ashamed, to a degree, of my lack of awareness of the patterns and impact of his actions and of those like him.

Not a fan of Mayor Pete and his bag of bullshit but you are more pressed than a panini here

I’n getting dizzy from all the spin in this article. - Jonboy, Darlington, 1/4/2013 5:13

Wow, this was embarrassing for you. You sound upset. I’m sure you thought this would sound hilariously snarky, but it just came off as bitter and petty. Poor effort.

I’m surprised it didn’t ask me for money at the end.

It angers me that he’s getting paid to write this shit.

You gotta wonder how this article might have been written if Buttigieg had endorsed Bernie Sanders instead.

If Jacobin and The Root had a stupid baby, it would be this.

Shadow Republican? Billionaire bootkisser?

"Bill, in 2003 you spent 37 weeks chained up in a basement; you never saw the light of the day, you ate only dog food, you were beaten regularly, you did not have a bathroom. How was that experience?"