
I doubt they’ll be getting all the way into that storyline in a first film.

Jack Kirby cosmic + Neil Gaiman’s mini was all I needed to get amped about the Eternals.


The sad thing is Rich has been Gawker/Jez/etc’s token gay guy for so long he thinks they actually respect him or consider him a peer. Really, they just need him to write trash like this to give them cover. He’s always been a convenient tool for dirtbag hipsters who thinks this is his world and these are his friends.

3/10, AV Club

I always believed

It doesn’t exactly help nerd culture’s rep for being unquestioning easy marks and dupes for bad product. Critics are critics. It’s real nice if you get a set visit or a pass to Alamo or Fantastic Fest, but way too many sites, io9 especially, suck up every bit of festival/geek bait that plays and gush over it based on

I’m not hearing enough of the trademark Ultimate Alliance character quips, at least early on in the clip.

io9 gives a glowing review to virtually any piece of shit, too.

io9 will give a pass to literally almost anything, provided it has stars or creatives they like. I love Tessa and Hemsworth, but I’ve seen this song and dance before.

I loved this show but I had next to no idea what was going on by the end of S1 without the help of the (extremely spoilerific) wikipedia cast list.

Thanks for the passionate dissertation about a guy neither of us know, but I’ve had my struggles with mental health too in my own life, and I don’t need you telling me how I’m allowed to feel about what I consider an exploitative situation. We can agree to disagree, which I tried to do multiple posts ago, and there is

You stan, I get it. And I think as a showrunner with experience with this kind of volatile and/or self-destructive behavior in his talent Michaels knows better than to enable this. He doesn’t do it or doesn’t seem to care, because Davidson’s private-public life is a social media flashpoint the show actively engages

That’s not the point. Lorne’s been around the block with crisis cases. He is the employer and mentor. He should know better.

That’s what I said in another post, yes. I know his stand-up. That doesn’t mean I find it healthy the way SNL has turned it into a full court press and commoditized it week after week - Pete’s life, Pete’s girlfriend-now-ex, Pete’s struggles. It’s dangerous. And Lorne enables it. You don’t have to agree with me, I

Y’all think I haven’t had mental illness? Okay.


I personally don’t think there is any separation. IIRC, PD was doing this in stand-up even before Ariana Grande. Now it’s become an expected part of the show: The Pete Davidson public catharsis, starring the approachable cute young white guy (just like Jimmy!) who also happens to have dated a superstar and also

I see what every American sees week after week. I don’t think the way he’s expected and encouraged to share every detail of his ongoing struggles with a cheering youth demo Weekend Update audience or whatever is at all healthy. It started with his stand-up and now SNL and NBC have commoditized it to a dangerous degree.

Yes, clearly it’s only me.