
I remember Armand’s. Lived in DC in that era. God.

Sara Gilbert isn’t exactly going to be onboard with that, nor would the rest of the cast or most of the key writers.

I think she was originally placed to watch (and safeguard) them both but eliminate the increasingly edgy Philip if necessary. Now it could be both.

I now have a sinking feeling a desperate Claudia will try to get Paige to do Nesterenko.

I half-thought Claudia was going to cap her on the way out the door.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she was placed as insurance by the Center when Philip started going off the reservation. They knew they couldn’t count on him as an asset anymore, and Elizabeth has come to demonstrate an overarching loyalty to him vs. Claudia or immediate objectives more than once. And Philip and Elizabeth

I also thought they were gonna take her then and there.

The actor (Austin Abrams) was a tiny little thing in some teen movie a few years ago. You can see him getting increasingly nervous in each interaction. From the beginning Jackson’s mind is working talking to her even as he becomes smitten, and Elizabeth was way too smooth and practiced. She never totally put him at

It was fucking unbelievable. Every twitch was like a machine.

It wasn’t revealed but Mark was discussed at length a few weeks back, complete with a memorial card for Glenn Quinn.

As implied below by the Terry Jones quote from another poster he’s his own worst enemy, and if what Ellen Barkin’s said is true (and I’ll bet it is) he does have other shit to answer for. Some of these dudes live a certain now-rather-cliched part in public for so long and when enough people encourage it, they begin to

Bad post OP

Fuck him.

But this flirtation with the hard-right is exhausting and depressing, and I do not want to have to make excuses for it.

Fuck him.

Because all most content providers know about Tommyknockers is King hates it and it’s got a bad rep. Lazy journalism.

I like it, bye

These are pretty hilarious.

I’d certainly vote for Cardi B before him at this point.

All the old Andie McDowell jokes aside, I think she works in all those movies and/or with those directors. Except maybe Hudson Hawk.