Articles whose rationale re: GITS I fundamentally disagree with for reasons I have already explicated throughout the comments section, but thanks anyway.
Articles whose rationale re: GITS I fundamentally disagree with for reasons I have already explicated throughout the comments section, but thanks anyway.
I have made it abundantly clear I think whitewashing is problematic in a slew of posts which you clearly did not read. I welcome you to peruse my posts in this thread. Best of luck in your endeavors.
You're right, he is clearly a corporate shill.
You have no idea if I'm white. You're just not used to having a conversation about this that lasts longer than the sound of your own voice.
You're embarrassing yourself.
Rough morning?
Yeah, I've no idea why it got flagged.
It's not that much of a lazy excuse in this case, though; it's a legitimate issue. Unfortunately, and this is an issue worth fighting on, there are next to no Asian or Asian-American female leads with box office power in the West who are ready to carry this picture.
Are you just naming the first Asian-American actors you can put your hands on?
It's not, though.
Death Note is another story that is actually even more easily adaptable to the West.
Not all Chinese cinema is bad.
And yet, here we are!
All of this is true. Yet I also think it's true that Ghost in the Shell is not a "uniquely Japanese" story that is automatically being mutilated or damaged by Western adaptation.
On the other hand, maybe they have a right to a voice re: the content of the material they created and whether they believe it is or should be intrinsically tied to their culture or heritage.
Sure, I don't disagree with that in principle. But I also think the spread of online attention on every single adaptation of non-American material under the sun is getting lost to a signal to noise overload. Meanwhile, stuff where there's material that is legitimately culturally significant and should be called out…
The complaints on this movie are not exactly streaming in from an exclusively Asian-American contingent.
Of course it's lacking in America, but that doesn't make this very flexible IP/story the hill to to take to make that point. As I said in earlier comments I simply don't think GITS fits the frame or the issue. And I think the actual creators' input and feelings - and that of the original audience - are at least as…
I would generally agree and/or beat it up a bit more if it was not the anime where literally everyone was becoming robots moving from body to body. Ghost in the Shell has a lot of that and the Major can be anyone they want. Does adapting it with Western stars move the needle for better representation in that larger…