"I remember seeing it for the first time at Sundance, when nobody really knew much about it."
"I remember seeing it for the first time at Sundance, when nobody really knew much about it."
It's my personal twitter, the one listed above. I post a link there every time I post something.
We should be able to win the Gold Cup with Greg Howard in goal so it's all good.
Apparently, Linda Cohn isn't the only one who has beef with 50 cents.
Guess he didn't earn any.... brownie points?
Not so excellent lede anymore: "SPORTS news without access, favor, or discretion"
How is this related to sports?
I thought the world's most beautiful game was Kim Kardashian: Hollywood?
You want other people to do your work, so you can generalize all police shootings into one "damning" statistic that really tells us nothing. And since your asking others to do it for you to save time, I assume you will not be fact checking these. Prepare for a lot of misinformation from a lot of biased sources.
Way to be a hypocrite and generalize all police officers as a racist gang. You're as much of the problem as anyone by helping widen the divide.
"Body language" and "facial expression" experts sound like experts the way chiropractors are "back experts."
I'm not saying Chelsea won't be great this year. They probably will! But can we at least wait until they play a team that isn't hopelessly outclassed and praying for 17th place before we start with the praise?
This is a great little reminder that not all youth coaches and parents are psychopaths. After losing to Jackie…
I think knives are a good idea. Big, fuck-off shiny ones.
The title of the OP should have been "Best Jason Statham vehicle" to avoid this and Snatch being brought into the debate.
Where the fuck does this guy live if he's watching an Oregon night game in broad daylight.
It's the new fourth meal combo option at Taco Bell