
Billy Haisley will delete this post.

People don't go to Chipotle because they want Mexican food. People go to Chipotle because they want Chipotle.

Firstly, nice photos. Can't blame the one guy for showing you two fingers considering the circumstance. Sunday was an odd atmosphere. Seemed like everyone was waiting for execution.

The formatting is wrong or did I miss the joke?

Claw and Order

Toyota Owners 400 is a thing? What, do all the cars cruise along at 40mph, right beside each other so nobody can pass, with the driver hugging the steering wheel, one turn signal randomly on for the entire race and somehow manage to take a few wrong turns?

Oh, you're post was supposed to be funny. Good one.

Didn't a commenter point this out? Can we please attribute that. Newell you're all over the place, go outside get a burrito and a smoothie, take 30, come back fresh and let's finish the Saturday shift strong!

yeah how do millionaires get women

Busch Light is a great beer to drink about 15 of while you are fishing. Something about worms, dirt and walleye slime seem to go really well with it. I wish I was kidding.

Jameson and Ginger FTW. My Cape Breton wife got me into it years ago, and it is fabulous. Totally with you on that one.


Well, you could always debone the leg quarters. The nice thing about that is that the thigh and leg bones are pretty close the the same diameter and pretty much come out with one long cut (skin-side down!) and then a couple shortcuts to separate the thigh meat and leg meat from their respective bones.

personally I like pitchers hitting. While I understand why some people want DHs in the lineup across the board, I think some of the people who argue for it are about as cool as craft beer snobs...

I think it makes a manager actually manage the game. I like the chess match of it. When do you pull a pitcher in a 1-1 or

Just do this:

I wish the Jackets would make their third jersey into their first jersey.

Wait until the AP finds out that the red, white and blue Buffalo Bills jersey is designed to make a wearer look like an American flag.

To be fair, that's one of the more difficult levels in Paperboy.

[A]nd one poor sap's complain that his property management company forced him to take down his satellite dish. (This is outside the purview of the FCC.)

We had a good laugh at the Russians when we saw this. Not so weird now, is it?