
That's twice Budge an Pepper have been within six feet of Malvo…and failed to recognise the threat once again. I thought that bit quite humorous.

I'm keenly interested enough to watch the first segment, but fail to believe that a return to the "The Hitler Channel" will succeed with an English-speaking Adolph after the brilliant turn by Bruno Ganz in 2004's Downfall…

Isn't the screen shot for this episode from last week? (I quibble…apologies)

Watching the premiere was like a worn old blanket and comfy shoes…
Does anyone else think MI6 (or MI5, even) might have a problem with the CIA engaged in operations, complete with a lot of guns…in London (perhaps even more so than a friendly fire incident with drones)?

I was very pleased with Lorne's fur-collared coat, Dingo's, and what may or may not be a deliberate attempt at a some kind of hair-piece/toupée. Whatever his motivation is to assist Lester, it is obvious the man is comfortable in his own skin. I was only slightly disappointed to see he was connected to some sort of

I like Mary Steenburgen, and think she will be a fine addition to the criminal element…but I have to say that the plastic surgery smile does make her look more menacing that she would have ordinarily.

I was pleased to see Cliff Simon (as the Mossad agent) get a decent role. He was always a little over-the-top as the Goa'uld Ba'al (as they were all supposed to be) in SG-1, but I thought it was a good piece of casting, and he performed quite well in the one-off.

Dickie (or maybe Jeremy Davies) actually looked like he'd spent the last two years in prison…but regardless, the hair on many of the male criminal elements in this season has reached its apex…literally and figuratively.

"…as it yet again delays a real conversation about the Nicky Augustine business…"

"It’s 1982, yet the Jennings family has yet to catch up withRaiders Of The Lost Ark?"

I was in film school when I sat down to watch The English Patient on video, which I had not seen in the theater the year it was nominated…and won. I kept waiting for the moment when I was going to be impressed with any of it. Never at one point did I think it deserved the award over Fargo (or Shine, for that matter).

I was suspecting that the Colonel had been warned about Prince (and other misgivings) courtesy the recording Martha had made for Philip in Gaad's office. Perhaps he anticipated the threat and so made certain a double-tap to the head would guarantee no loose ends. Of course this means some of Beeman's comments to Gaad

Daryl Jr. nods to Danny just before he unleashes hell on the rest of Johnny's (formerly Hot Rod's and then Boyd's) crew…this was a plan, not some random act of a psychopathic killer (Danny is that, certainly). Daryl Jr. can feign disbelief all he likes afterward, but it seems to me Boyd is in for a fight with the

The insomniac in me finds the middle-of-the-night LIVE curling coverage very relaxing, and even quite interesting once the strategies are better understood. I've also found that watching Great Britain's skip Eve Muirhead is kind on my eyes. For a sport invented in Scotland almost five-hundred years ago, it is hard not

Hair really plays an important part of the show, from the scene you just referenced (Mr. Yoon's coiffure and colour had me reckoning to the various Hoon Lee styles in Banshee) to Ava taking the razor to her locks and the reemergence of the skinheads in Harlan…and the State Prison.

I like Michael Rapaport, honestly, but was doubtful the consummate New York native was going to be able to competently play a character like Daryl Crowe Jr. Although I think his accent and mannerisms might have been a little weak in the first few episodes, it now appears he has fully embraced the role, and I applaud

The last couple (all right…three or four) seasons of "24" were awful. Although I admit fully that the torture angle was played entirely too heavily, I was actually excited to see the last of the teaser/trailers for the upcoming season. It is what Americans expect from FOX and Jack Bauer, but set in the UK might make