
Not speaking specifically of Charlotte Russe (I never liked their clothes, but I’m a dude, so that’s not very important), but I think one important thing about a lot of the places closing is that the internet made it very obvious how much of their business model was selling highly overpriced clothing. There was a time

A couple of things to consider (this ended up being a longer post than I thought it would; I know, a long-winded Arnheim post—shocking):

1.) Most people don’t understand that argument—at least in the academic sense—is an intellectual exercise as often as it’s intended to actually shift a person’s perspective on a given

“[Rami Malek] reportedly fell somewhere around the front row...”

That line should've won SOMETHING.

Damn near made coffee come out of my nose with this.

“I can still see his lips coming straight for my face.”

I’m ambivalent about the whole no-host thing. Like, it went along fairly well, but there are definitely times where they could have used one. It certainly didn’t seem to give the winners any meaningful extra time for their speeches, which is kind of the one thing I thought it would have done.


I didn’t want this list to get too long, but he was on here for a bit and eventually I popped him off. 

Bad hair contender: Steve Burnside.
It was so bad that they had to change his hair style for Code Veronica X.
The Dicaprio cut was way too 90's

This is a great point. Like when the Republicans were desperate to undo Obamacare but had absolutely zero idea how to take care of the newly uninsured. I still remember Trump, in his ungodly idiocy, saying at one of the debates that health insurance companies would COMPETE to insure those with preexisting conditions -

I get worried when legitimate complaints of Bernie get handwaved away as: “Well you don’t have to like him to support him”. It reeks of the same double-standard Trump supporters use. With the field that exists today, we don’t need to hitch up to this wagon again.

Yeah, Sanders has a great record on healthcare and Wall Street regulation, and if those are your primary voting concerns, he is a great candidate for you. But he also has a mixed record on plenty of other things—gun control and immigration and criminal justice, to start—and there are other candidates who have been

This is not a plan, and I won’t vote for some who can’t articulate how we can actually achieve any of his/her stated aims. He has not seriously engaged with the economics or politics of his proposals, and that’s a deal breaker for me when it comes to deciding who I actually want to run the country.

This article makes me feel like if I’m not supporting him then it must be because I just don’t “like” the guy. I’m not supporting him for the DEM2020 Primary for a whole bunch of reasons and “likability” is not one of them.

Your comment is so spot on. There’s a certain irony in the belief that “full potential” can be reached in a capitalist system, given that the exponential accumulation of capital is essentially a limitless endeavour. Do they finally cum, indeed - or is it infinite blue balls?

While our financial results for 2018 were the best in our history, we didn’t realize our full potential.

So what happens when they reach their ‘full potential’?  Is it like some sort of Quickening, where they obtain the prize? Do they finally cum?  Can there only be one?

God, I hope you’re right.

I read on the internet (so it must be true) of bars where there is a sign in the ladies’ room to the effect of “If you are feeling uncomfortable ask for Rhonda [or some other name]”. You ask the bartender for Rhonda, he says “She’s working in the kitchen,” and he shows you out the back way where they have called you