If Savannah sincerely wanted a balanced interview, she should have questioned this kid the same way women and girls have been questioned for their choices, especially by the Catholic Church!
If Savannah sincerely wanted a balanced interview, she should have questioned this kid the same way women and girls have been questioned for their choices, especially by the Catholic Church!
Few things here, if you don’t want people to think you are racist, don’t were a MAGA hat. If you think, oh, that could be my son, you need to raise your children to be better people. And lets not forget, this whole thing happened because a Catholic high school decided to take a bus full of teenage boys to a protest…
They cared about white kids but only if they didn’t get masacaredly gunned down. Guns are more important.
Then, she added: “I’ve never seen people so happy to destroy a kid’s life.”
So, this guy can’t make a speech that could be political at the school buuuuuuuuuuuut the school sends kids decked out in MAGA hats to a political rally.
As a lapsed Catholic, who went to Catholic schools for most of his life, I can attest that this article is painful to read because it is pretty damned accurate.
He is tremendous. One of my few and minor nitpicks with The Good Place is that they went really fast past the possibility that Tahani might have a thing for Chidi, as well as “real Eleanor” (Tiya Sircar). He was very interesting with both of them too.
Also his “How? Why?” after Eleanor tells him that the smell of vomit in the water park is helping her calm down.
“Since I saw... THE TIME KNIFE."
That line almost ruined a sofa for me - had something in my mouth and nearly did a spit-take.
I’ve been a fan of William’s since his role on High Maintenance as the neurotic doomsday prepper.
His many shocked/confused/appalled line readings of the phrase “...What?” is a thing of beauty.
The Good Place was my intro to William Jackson Harper and I was like “damn, this dude is fantastic, why have we not heard of him before now?” So that led me to finding out more about his work and, seriously, he’s the truth.
A group of entitled teens goes on a mission to spread their gospel of hate. I really need to know whether they were harassed by someone before spewing hate, or they were rudely interrupted in their attempt to spew hate by a band of people singing and playing drums before I can pass judgment.
It’s so weird that so many people independently decided that MAGA gear and Trump slogans were a great way to intimidate minorities. It couldn’t possibly that all of those people easily understood the messaging behind those things. I’ve been told that would be an unfair interpretation of the facts. So, clearly, they…
Doesn’t matter what Pence says, Trump isn’t pro-life, he wanted his daughter Tiffany aborted. That’s a fact. Pence really needs to learn how to pick his fights.