Calm the fuck down, January; we still have a whole year of horror to endure.
Calm the fuck down, January; we still have a whole year of horror to endure.
Thankfully, most people who seem to be that crazy, tend to actually be more cowardly than crazy.
“The Democrats have their finger on the block button, vowing to block every single bit of legislation flowing through Congress that doesn’t ensure the re-opening of the government. Looks like Pelosi, Schumer, and co. are remaining firm with this one.”
You think this dress would fly for biological women on a show like Runway? I doubt it.
To be fair, “Period Sex” on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend had the same struggles of not being allowed to air on TV: I don’t think it’s a problem with drag per se, but with society as a whole and our selective prudishness.
Something that infuriates me is fragile masculinity. You know what I’m talking about. Its men being unwilling to go to movies about women, with women leads because women are expected to enjoy movies lead by anyone regardless of gender/gender presentation but men actively avoid ‘chick flicks’. I’m not just talking…
And this why I am a cynic. I truly believe all the women in the room who said they will promote/hire/staff their projects with women. They genuinely want to. And Reese Witherspoon and Regina King (and many other women-owned production companies) are making real strides in making this happen.
The responsibility rests solely on the woman who saw two people standing in front of her vehicle and decided to press her foot down on the accelerator.
This could have been my mom. My mom works 10-12 hours a day, 7 days a week at a nail salon. She’s 50 and she still does it. She raised three children. She constantly supports us, even though I’m 30 years old. For some Vietnamese, nail salons are the only way to make money, I can see how frustrated that poor woman must…
For a manicure. I hope they catch this woman and she spends the rest of her life in prison.
I noticed that too. What’s nice is that him keeping hold of her shirt collar defeats any possible argument that she was an ‘aggressor’ - if his lawyer tries to argue that she should have deescalated once the initial threat was over (i.e. that only the first punch was covered by self-defense), she can rightly point…
My only thought when he grabbed her was “Holy shit, he did almost pull her across the counter.” Then I watched her beat the bejeezus out of him with unmitigated glee.
Like a fine wine, this video will get better with age. A year from now I’ll still smile when I re-watch this.
He’ll be needing that straw now.
Once you post bail don’t even think about having chicken:
Every beautiful strike to that douchebag’s nose got a resounding “YES” from me. FUCK. THEM. UP. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
the Dora Milaje School for Wishing a Motherfucker Would.
/reads title
can’t possibly violate Louis Vuitton’s trademark, because there’s no way anyone would mistake a plastic poo bag for a $1K luxury item.