Oh, they were already broken.
Oh, they were already broken.
i had that thought for a half a second, too, but she’s a white mom to black kids. she hears vile, hateful shit all the goddamn time, which means she has had to learn to sort out what’s noise and what’s a real threat in a fraction of a second, or else she’d never be able to live her damn life. apparently, she’s good at…
This show is THE BEST. Why would you watch American reality TV, when you could watch this?
We have two housecats, who always peace out on us when it comes to killing centipedes.
The car scene just, oh man...that whole sequence, the next morning too. It just knocked the wind out of me. I haven’t felt shock at a scene like that in a long time.
A recap of Audition really doesn’t do the movie justice, IMHO. One must experience it fresh so you can be suitably shocked when the movie turns into something else entirely.
I watched that with a friend who suggested Cannibal Holocaust as the palate cleanser. I watched How To Train Your Dragon instead. Then I watched it again a year later and found myself saying things like “Huh, I forgot about the skull-fucking scene.” IF YOU FORGET ABOUT THE SKULL-FUCKING SCENE, THAT MOVIE IS TOO MUCH.
That the Human Centipede sequel wasn’t called “Human Millipede” is a grave injustice.
I never realized until now just how much of the horror genre is “do disturbing things to women.” It’s definitely not all of it, but there’s a significant enough trend in the ones you picked.
Simone’s response was perfect. I admire her even more now.
Hi Frida,
Okay okay okay!
here’s my story - it’s a brief one!
I hope to god that paranormal stories outweigh the creeps/psychos/stalker stuff, this year. And I’m flagging posts along the lines of “Trump is Prez”/ Kavanaugh is on the SCOTUS”. We *know*. Save it for another post.
That is creepy. Any time one of my pets stops what it’s doing to stare off into space, I immediately think GHOST!
Not nearly as scary as some of your absolutely horrifying stories, but here’s mine. I remember it vividly and get chills every time I think about it.