Oh please, Trump isn’t even the adult in the room when it’s just him and Barron
Oh please, Trump isn’t even the adult in the room when it’s just him and Barron
And yet somehow this most unchristian and hate-filled man is lauded by evangelicals!?! Their hypocrisy knows no bounds. Obama was a good, decent, churchgoing family man but was somehow the devil incarnate.
Let’s celebrate the resurrection of Christ with a rage stroke.
I’m totally here for Mexico being the adult in the room.
One of the things I’ve loved about Deadpool, since the first comic I picked up, was that nothing was sacred. Everything could and would be joked about.
“Sacrafice your heroes on the altar of a better tomorrow.”
Oh goddammit. I loved “Ren & Stimpy.”
I like the curly fries.
When it’s from an adult with her own television show and is meant to harass and mock a teenager who recently experienced and survived a tragedy.
David Hogg........take a gap year tbh.
It’s not just your GPA, it’s also what school you come from. Getting A’s from certain schools is a lot harder than getting A’s from others.
Isn’t a 4.1 GPA an amazing thing? Or have GPAs changed since I was in HS?
That sound makes me... angry.
Comet me bro
Weeeell, she’s a rich Brit so that kid is going to be raised by nannies, then boarding schools not either of them, meanwhile adding that much beauty and tallness to your gene pool is worth some compromises.
Definitely. One of the things that established her credibility so clearly was just how twisted up the poor woman clearly was. She stated multiple times that Donald was incredibly loving and respectful towards her, to the point that she felt completely blindsided by the Access Hollywood tape . . .
I was sure it was sorting out: he starred a comment of mine yesterday. Fuck.
Hi, dears.
Election year.