At first I was like
At first I was like
Jeez, liberals, make up your mind. First you're whining about minorities being underrepresented, then, when someone finally makes an ad representing the underprivileged minority population at Howard you get all up in arms...
Hamilton Nolan objects to your simplistic view of HBCs.
Was the theme "Blondes Wearing Black"?
Are you thinking of "Leave (Get Out)"? I also love that one.
This whole picture, including the pigeon, seems like some terrible practical joke on Lena Dunham on behalf of the Vogue editors.
a He-man game ?
Ooooh, I love when you realize that an actress/ tv personality/ whatever celebrity has been using a stage name or modified version of their birth name and you were none the wiser.
I dunno, he's got a spiffy leather theme going on though.
Can #hashtags leave too? #Ihatetryingtoreadthiscrap
The gameplay isn't really my cup of tea, but I'd fucking LOVE a movie made like this.
Slug cats? Wait a minute... I used to... YEAH
what the hell?!
This is Exactly how I feel about this game, I just wish there was some moderation with the amount of assholes in it...
a videogame based on a meme ? good idea !
This would have been so much better with men in Sailor scout costumes.