
I would add to this a third category: the group of people who might have seen this movie years ago when the book was first released and people were still thinking about it who have since had their interest wane because they’ve moved on. I would describe myself as a zombie studies person; and I’m a literature studies

Plus the actress who plays Renee Walker is, I think, free at the moment? I noticed she had a somewhat recurring special guest role on The CW’s Vampire Diaries for the past season and a half, but that gig seems to have run its course. I’d love to see her back in a spitting fire role.

OH! I’VE SEEN THAT BEFORE!!! #newcontextforRachelBloom

YES TO ALL THE DRESSES WITH SECRET POCKETS. #SECRETPOCKETS4ALL Also, I went to the beach last Memorial Weekend in the Chincoteague area, and we spent one evening drinking wine in our hotel room watching movies. The first Step Up came on and, for the life of me, friend had never seen it! (I’m 30, so that ish came out

WANT. THIS. NOW.* *would love it in a dark purple, or a dark purple top with an ivory skirt as a wedding dress.


Starring all of your posts in this thread because I greatly appreciate any and all references to the Harry Potter musicals. Especially involving Lucius. And even Draco. That little shit.

ME. TOO. I guess I’m glad he got nommed at all, but still. I wonder how much it matters that his album dropped late last December and was talked about hotly at the time, but because that placed it in the beginning of the next Grammy year, that allowed memory of it to drop over time...? I don’t know. Blah.

Had the pleasure of attending an event last year at the AFI theater in Maryland where at Greg Sestero read an excerpt from his book, did a Q&A, and took photos afterward. Technically, we were supposed to watch the movie, but the theater had trouble (not sure why). But INSTEAD, and even better I think, we read from

Kindle Book Question (b/c I’ve never done this before): If I buy a book for kindle app use from Amazon, is there a limit to how many devices I can use my Kindle App to read said book? For example, I have it on an Ipad, a laptop, and a phone. Can I read the same book across the different devices without a problem, so

Kindle Book Question (b/c I’ve never done this before): If I buy a book for kindle app use from Amazon, is there a

Yeah, I’m an academic spooky adult in my personal-professional life (aka I delve into spooky things for fun but not for my actual daytime job), so I’m wondering if I have Jezebel reader friends looking at this going, “Oh hey! I know what RF is getting!” In reality, the only things I’d use would be the wine glasses and

I’ve learned that this is the time I’ve started to regularly have colds because the past couple of years, the temperature has fluctuated enough such that it’ll feel warmer than it should towards the end of October, then get suddenly cold come Halloween (so trick-o-treaters and scantily-’drobed costumers have to

Considering your username, I think your finding was doubly relevant.

SPEED. 2. I was so disappointed when I watched it on HBO when I was a child and it wasn’t Keanu Reeves and I looked at Sandra Bullock’s character and thought, “Really? THIS guy?” And then many, many years later, I had someone clue me in that the guy in Speed 2 is Michael from The Lost Boys. And THEN I really lost it.

Does this mean there will be more affordable plaid clothing to come? Because it’s fucking October tomorrow. And there aren’t enough options for cute plaid dresses, skirts, tops, whatever in other (department) stores while RL usually supplies but with expensive prices. And it’s making me covet the plaid pieces I

One thing I love about fall is that one of the two conferences I attend during the year (as an academic adult nerd) is a regional event for which I can validate taking Amtrak. I didn’t realize it until I became an adult (aka I can do what I want!...within reason of my limited income!), but the bookworm that I am

If you don’t hate Pewdiepie (which I know is the case for some Kotaku readers), I watched his playthrough of the game and he failed to save Sam initially. He wasn’t pleased at all about it. (Granted, he also got two other characters killed earlier in the game, one of which he was super angry at himself about.) It was

Okay, phew, thank you for calming my mind as to why things weren’t computing (I’m not familiar with Bleona).

Is that JLo? Kim Kardashian? For a delusional moment, I only saw her from the shoulders up and thought it could be Kate Hudson who went through a “let me try something new!” phase with dying her hair. Now I don’t know what to believe anymore.