
I started Lost and quickly realized in live viewing, “...You know what? I can’t do this. I see red flags.” I checked in randomly every so often over the series out of curiosity/needing homework breaks, but I didn’t commit to watching it because I kept hearing about the so-so/where-is-this-going?!? gossip. Jump ahead

I wonder what the rating category distinctions are in the types, duration, and extent of onscreen VS offscreen violence is for PG-13 vs R. A good number of folks died onscreen in various ways—-exploded/torn-up vehicles, being sucked into twisters, being run over, being shot, being stabbed, dismemberment, blinding...

You are not alone!

I didn’t catch that the first time. THIS MOVIE JUST KEEPS ON GIVING.

I wonder if there is opposition to the fact that he seems controlled predominantly through the aggressive ghost of his daughter (?)/a little girl. Not a beautiful dead wife/girlfriend. Not a “I look up to you, Dad” son. But a little girl. And while the movie could have embodied her through a cutesy vulnerable “you let

The only moment I can think of is when Max catches up to the rig and the brides are using some of the water to rinse off. It’s the first time we (the viewer) and Max get to see the women from head to toe. It’s hard to not notice how beautiful they are, but the moment is quickly ramped into Max trying to take control

Now playing

1) If this video/song is meant to be part of the fight between her and Katy Perry, I don’t know what Beyonce’s relationship is to either performer, but being in the video would suggest that she’s siding with TS. And that might not be the sort of marketing step she’d want to make rather than being neutral.

Last two seasons don’t count la la la you can’t tell me what to believe la la la I don’t want to believe those last two seasons exist la la la

The HOTD manga got stalled for one reason or another related to the creator—and the manga actually tells the story a bit further from where the anime left off. So the HOTD anime feels anticlimatic in a sense that there was an intention to continue the story. (I don’t know what the latest status is on whether the

Haha, I can understand your surprised reaction. I love it when parents get down with their IDGAF selves. My parents and I are also going to see Gladys in August per my mom’s request—from which I realized, “Oh wait, Patti’s coming soon, too!” My mom turns 70 this year, which is partly why I wanted to do something

Patti Labelle is performing near me in July. I just bought tickets so I can surprise my mom for her birthday gift (her b-day is in June, but I’d rather give them to her sooner rather than later so she doesn’t make plans that day). I’m super excited. My mom is older school R&B and I can only imagine it’ll be a great

Oh god, the french vanilla coffee in my nose stings with laughing pain

This is why besides lip gloss, I don’t even bother with day make-up. I am too damn lazy to be reapplying and touching up during the day. Plus my skin gets oily/shiny, and I haven’t figured out what foundation I need for that.

If I ever decided to have children, and the issue of wearing tank tops comes up in schools, I will step up to the administration. I don’t live in TX, but as a Virginian, our spring and summer warm weathers aren’t just hot. They’re HUMID. As in you’re out of luck if you have hair that reacts poorly to humidity. As in

I can't remember whether it was Jezebel or Gawker that did a review of her album when it came out based on what the writer thought she was singing vs the actual lyrics, which made a light bulb click in my head in terms of, "So that's why her music often bothers me. I don't know what the Hell she's saying sometimes

Sssshhhh!!!! Don't give the Internet ideas!!

I doubt this would happen, but I'm wondering, if Carol really did teach Sam how to bake (or if he was paying close enough attention), then the kid could probably poison the cookies himself and get his dad to eat them. And since no one else knows that he had a cooking lesson with Carol, they might just assume Pete died

Earlier in the season, back when she and Darryl were en route to track Beth down, they stop at that shelter for the abused and she tells Darryl about how she and Sophia had spent time there. She even takes a book about victimization with her, which Darryl sees when, I think, her sack overturns. I can't help but think

You need to get on this. Immediately. As in this should be your "How I Spent My Summer Vacation" essay topic, were you still in grade school and (assumedly) not a grown-ass adult. But let that be your inspiration. Imagine what your younger willsomeonethinkofthechitlins would say, knowing you had an in and never took

Hahaha, I was going to respond by saying, "...He doesn't say anything, simply starts stabbing/bashing/dismembering?"