So now we've gone from Bratz Doll to Marvel Femme Fatale. Nice/frightening job!
So now we've gone from Bratz Doll to Marvel Femme Fatale. Nice/frightening job!
I'm wondering about this, too. But I haven't bought a new gen console yet since the games that are out for it aren't ones that I must play right now, especially when I'm still working my way through PS3 stuff. So I might finally buy this package since I really enjoyed X all the way back in high school, and I never did…
I just started The Fall (as in this Tuesday, I watched the first episode) because I'd started binge-watching Hannibal and got through season 1 via Amazon Prime and had such a pronounced moment of, "Gillian!!!" when she shows up there that it made me remember that she starred in her own show elsewhere. So now I'm in a…
Seriously! I love zombie stuff! I usually feel like I'm in the know about zombie stuff! Friends I know who are into all sorts of different pop culture stuff typically notify me as soon as zombie stuff pops up on their radars! Nothing but silence about this.
...So...basically...I need to clear part of my weekend to binge watch Jem? On mimosas and wine, you say? Fine, Netflix. FINE.
Whaaaaaa... This is actually one of my favorite Whitney Houston songs, and I've never made the connection. ...Nope, can't unhear. Amazing.
Okay, as much as I appreciate this particular gif, can someone please tell me the song they're singing so I have context for why the Hell this would be choreography, period?? Because I don't understand (and the boys' overhead clapping isn't helping contextualize).
You made a good decision.
And I heartily snorted into my coffee because I wasn't expecting a LoL reference on Jezebel (compared to, of course, Kotaku) and it was a pleasant surprise!
Yeah, nice choice in image. I love Kat Graham. She is one of the few things that keeps me eye rolling but then flopping back on my couch to watch The Vampire Diaries this season. And she seems like a vibrant, gracious person in real life. She's always in a funky fashion moment. I'm not loving this look on her, either.…
That. Mental. Image. It would be complete if he was wearing the same shades and hair curlers he wears in the official video for "Uptown Funk" and was patting the bottom while patting his curlers.
I feel like I like the song less because of the song itself and more because I like funk music and this sounds like a bunch of stuff I already like so yeah, I'm going to be able to listen to this, too, by proxy of genre. In fact, I don't think I've ever really listened to the lyrics because I don't need to. The…
I didn't like it the first time (I get what they're doing, I do. Disney/Marvel. Themes of ownership/self-mastery/agency. Nod nod wink wink. It's a little too cutesy and on the nose and, for me anyways, takes me out of the trailer by being distracted). So I'm not enjoying the repeat uses.
A neat filmed experiment at least! But yeah, I don't know that I would rewatch it—no need for it (though Ethan Hawke was enjoyable—I like him as an actor that commits; and the young actor had some nice moments) unless I FF through several places.
I agree. There were moments when I found her performance questionable, as in "...maybe she wasn't 'on' during this round of filming" more often than not, so I was surprised when I saw she was nominated and just assumed I was "off" while watching the movie and being overly critical.
Of the things I could critique about the group's look (e.g. The color alternation that is clearly intentional and means that they probably had to stay in this formation the entire time they were in public; the girl on the far left's ill-fitted dress (I'm sure it's intentional, but it looks too big for her and sloppy),…
"Now go. Unleash Hell." SNORT.